ProductRelease File Download ============================ A ProductRelease can have files associated with it for one of two reasons. First, a code tarball can be associated to a ProductRelease and it is used to create an associated branch. In another use, a product owner can associate files with a ProductRelease for direct download by Launchpad users. These files can be installers, executables, documentation, or README files. A ProductSeries can have multiple releases. Firefox 1.5 (a ProductSeries) has ProductReleases and >>> from zope.component import getUtility >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.product import IProductSet First, get a product that has some ProductSeries in the sample data. >>> productset = getUtility(IProductSet) >>> firefox = productset['firefox'] A ProductSeries can be retrieved using the associated product and the series name. >>> trunk = firefox.getSeries('trunk') Get the product releases for trunk. >>> releases = trunk.releases >>> releases.count() 3 Find all product release files for trunk. >>> files = trunk.release_files >>> len(files) 1 Pick the first release from the set. >>> rel = list(releases)[0] >>> files = rel.files >>> print files.count() 1 Add a file alias to the productrelease. >>> from import ILaunchBag >>> login("") >>> from import removeSecurityProxy >>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> from datetime import datetime >>> from pytz import UTC >>> def add_release_file(release, file_content, name, description, ... date_uploaded=None): ... user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user ... result = release.addReleaseFile( ... filename=name, ... file_content=StringIO(file_content), ... content_type='test/plain', ... uploader=user, ... description=description) ... if date_uploaded is not None: ... removeSecurityProxy(result).date_uploaded = date_uploaded ... return result >>> product_release_file = add_release_file( ... rel, 'Some useful information.', ... 'foo.txt', 'Foo file') >>> print product_release_file.description Foo file The number of files in the ProductRelease has increased. >>> print rel.files.count() 2 The number of files on the series has increased >>> print len(trunk.release_files) 2 The alias can be retrieved by name. >>> file_alias = rel.getFileAliasByName('foo.txt') >>> print file_alias.filename foo.txt Attempting to retrieve an alias that does not exist is an error. >>> file_alias = rel.getFileAliasByName('bar.txt') Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotFoundError: 'bar.txt' The ProductReleaseFile can also be retrieved by name. >>> prf = rel.getProductReleaseFileByName('foo.txt') >>> print prf.libraryfile.filename foo.txt Attempting to retrieve a ProductReleaseFile that does not exist is an error. >>> prf = rel.getProductReleaseFileByName('bar.txt') Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotFoundError: 'bar.txt' Deleting the release file results in the file count being reduced. Only the product owner, product series owner, admins, or experts can delete a product file. >>> login(ANONYMOUS) >>> rel.files[0].destroySelf() Traceback (most recent call last): ... Unauthorized: (, 'destroySelf', 'launchpad.Edit') >>> login('') >>> for release_file in rel.files: ... if == ... release_file.destroySelf() ... break >>> print rel.files.count() 1 The deleted release file will no longer appear in ProductRelease.files. >>> release_file in rel.files False Deleting files via a GET method is not allowed. >>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter >>> from import LaunchpadTestRequest >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'}, ... form={'delete_files': 'Delete Files'}) >>> firefox = getUtility(IProductSet).getByName('firefox') >>> view = getMultiAdapter((firefox,request), name='+download') >>> view.initialize() Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnsafeFormGetSubmissionError: Delete Files There a convenience method for getting all of the releases for a list of series. The releases are returned sorted by release date in reverse order. >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.productrelease import ( ... IProductReleaseSet) >>> series = firefox.series >>> release_set = getUtility(IProductReleaseSet) >>> releases = release_set.getReleasesForSeries(series) >>> for release in releases: ... date = release.datereleased.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ... print release.version, date 0.9.2 2004-10-15 18:32:35 0.9.1 2004-10-15 18:31:19 0.9 2004-10-15 18:27:09 1.0.0 2004-06-28 00:00:00 There is also a convenience method for getting all of the files associated with a list of releases. The files are returned sorted by the date each was uploaded in reverse order. Let's add some release files to the releases for firefox. >>> from datetime import timedelta >>> now = >>> for i, release in enumerate(releases): ... content = "Content %d" % i ... name = "name%d" % i ... description = "description%d" % i ... upload_date = now + timedelta(days=i) ... pr_file = add_release_file( ... release, content, name, ... description, date_uploaded=upload_date) >>> files = release_set.getFilesForReleases(releases) >>> for file in files: ... print file.libraryfile.filename name3 name2 name1 name0 firefox_0.9.2.orig.tar.gz Only the product owner can create a new release. >>> owner_email = >>> login(ANONYMOUS) >>> trunk.milestones[0].createProductRelease(firefox.owner, now) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Unauthorized: (, 'createProductRelease', 'launchpad.Edit') >>> login(owner_email) >>> milestone = trunk.newMilestone('8.0', code_name='ralph') >>> milestone.createProductRelease(firefox.owner, now, ... changelog='New in v2') >>> for release in release_set.getReleasesForSeries(series): ... print release.version 8.0 0.9.2 0.9.1 0.9 1.0.0