CVE IMPORT PROCESS ================== Launchpad has a cronscript (in "cronscripts/") that will fetch the latest CVE database, in XML format, from the web, and then ensure that the CVE data in it is correctly reflected in the local Launchpad database. It takes care to reflect the correct description, status (Entry, Candidate, or Deprecated), as well as all the References for that CVE entry. This documentation test will describe and test the behaviour of this infrastructure. Note that it assumes that the XML format is not changing, and it does not attempt to connect to the outside world to verify that is the case. >>> import subprocess, os.path, sys >>> import transaction >>> from import config OK. So now lets import the first XML database. First, lets se how many CVE entries are in the database. >>> from lp.bugs.model.cve import Cve >>> print 10 >>> script = os.path.join(config.root, 'cronscripts', '') >>> url_base = os.path.join( ... config.root, 'lib', 'lp', 'bugs', 'tests', 'data' ... ) Now run the cronscript. >>> url = 'file://%s' % os.path.join(url_base, 'cvedb_init.xml.gz') >>> process = subprocess.Popen( ... [sys.executable, script, '-u', url], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, ... stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ... ) >>> (output, empty) = process.communicate() >>> print output INFO Creating lockfile: /var/lock/launchpad-updatecve.lock ... INFO CVE-1999-0002 created INFO Creating new SGI reference for 1999-0002 INFO Creating new BID reference for 1999-0002 INFO Creating new XF reference for 1999-0002 INFO CVE-1999-0003 created INFO Creating new CERT reference for 1999-0003 INFO Creating new SGI reference for 1999-0003 INFO Creating new XF reference for 1999-0003 INFO Creating new XF reference for 1999-0003 INFO CVE-1999-0005 created INFO Creating new CERT reference for 1999-0005 INFO Creating new BID reference for 1999-0005 INFO CVE-1999-0007 created INFO Creating new CERT reference for 1999-0007 INFO Creating new XF reference for 1999-0007 INFO CVE-2005-2761 created INFO Creating new MISC reference for 2005-2761 INFO Creating new DEBIAN reference for 2005-2761 INFO CVE-2005-2762 created INFO CVE-2005-2763 created INFO CVE-2005-2764 created ... And lets make sure we got the right number of CVE entries. >>> transaction.commit() >>> print 18 We will make a note of the CVE modification time of 1999-0002. When we update it later, we can use this modification time to check that its modification time is being updated correctly. >>> c = Cve.bySequence('2005-2734') >>> mod_time = c.datemodified And while we are here, make a note of the number of references for that CVE entry. >>> print c.references.count() 6 Now, let's run an import of the update db. >>> url = 'file://%s' % os.path.join(url_base, 'cvedb_update.xml.gz') >>> process = subprocess.Popen( ... [sys.executable, script, '-u', url], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, ... stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ... ) >>> (output, empty) = process.communicate() >>> print output INFO Creating lockfile: /var/lock/launchpad-updatecve.lock ... INFO Creating new CERT reference for 1999-0002 INFO Creating new CIAC reference for 1999-0002 INFO Creating new NAI reference for 1999-0003 INFO Creating new SGI reference for 1999-0003 INFO Creating new BID reference for 1999-0003 INFO Creating new SUN reference for 1999-0005 INFO Creating new XF reference for 1999-0005 INFO CVE-1999-0006 created INFO Creating new CERT reference for 1999-0006 INFO Creating new SGI reference for 1999-0006 INFO Creating new AUSCERT reference for 1999-0006 INFO Creating new XF reference for 1999-0006 INFO Creating new BID reference for 1999-0006 INFO CVE-1999-0007 updated description INFO Creating new SECUNIA reference for 2005-2761 INFO CVE-2005-2734 updated description INFO Removing BID reference for 2005-2734 INFO Removing BUGTRAQ reference for 2005-2734 INFO Removing CONFIRM reference for 2005-2734 INFO Removing SECTRACK reference for 2005-2734 INFO Removing SECUNIA reference for 2005-2734 INFO Removing XF reference for 2005-2734 INFO CVE-2005-2764 updated description INFO CVE-2005-2765 created INFO Creating new MSKB reference for 2005-2765 INFO CVE-2005-2766 created INFO Creating new BUGTRAQ reference for 2005-2766 ... Let's make sure we got the new CVE's. >>> transaction.commit() >>> print 21 And lets make sure the modification time of 2005-2734 was updated, as were the number of comments. >>> c.sync() >>> print mod_time < c.datemodified True >>> print c.references.count() 0 Script class ------------ The class the cronscript uses to do its work is CVEUpdater. >>> from lp.bugs.scripts.cveimport import CVEUpdater The method that does all the processing of the CVE XML is processCVEXML(). It accepts that XML as a string. If no CVEs are found in the XML, a LaunchpadScriptFailure is raised. This helps us catch issues that causes no CVEs to be processed, for example if the XML schema is changed. >>> cve_updater = CVEUpdater('cve-updater', test_args=[]) >>> cve_updater.processCVEXML('') Traceback (most recent call last): ... LaunchpadScriptFailure: No CVEs found in XML file.