Person notifications ==================== The PersonNotification table stores notifications that should be sent (or already sent) to a given person. It stores the person who should receive the notification as well as the email message's body and subject. A cronscript is then responsible for picking up these notifications and sending them. >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.personnotification import ( ... IPersonNotification, IPersonNotificationSet) >>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp.testing import verifyObject >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> notification_set = getUtility(IPersonNotificationSet) >>> mark = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('mark') To add a new notification we need the recipient, the email body and its subject. >>> notification = notification_set.addNotification( ... mark, 'subject', 'body') >>> verifyObject(IPersonNotification, notification) True >>> u'mark' >>> notification.date_created datetime.datetime(... >>> print notification.date_emailed None The notifications that need to be sent can be retrieved with getNotificationsToSend(). >>> [n.subject for n in notification_set.getNotificationsToSend()] [u'subject'] We can also retrieve notifications that are older than a certain date. >>> import pytz >>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta >>> now ='UTC')) >>> [n.subject for n in notification_set.getNotificationsOlderThan(now)] [u'subject'] >>> yesterday = now - timedelta(days=1) >>> [n.subject ... for n in notification_set.getNotificationsOlderThan(yesterday)] [] A notification has a send() method which creates an email message and sends it to the recipient. >>> from import FakeLogger >>> notification.send(logger=FakeLogger()) INFO Sending notification to ['Mark Shuttleworth ']. >>> from lp.testing.mail_helpers import print_emails >>> print_emails() From: To: Mark Shuttleworth Subject: subject body ---------------------------------------- The send-person-notifications script will send all pending notifications. >>> notification = notification_set.addNotification( ... mark, 'subject2', 'body2') This includes notifications to teams owned by other teams. >>> owning_team = factory.makeTeam() >>> team = factory.makeTeam(owner=owning_team) >>> team_notification = notification_set.addNotification( ... team, 'subject3', 'body3') >>> [n.subject for n in notification_set.getNotificationsToSend()] [u'subject2', u'subject3'] >>> transaction.commit() >>> import subprocess >>> process = subprocess.Popen( ... 'cronscripts/ -q', shell=True, ... stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ... stderr=subprocess.PIPE) >>> (out, err) = process.communicate() >>> out, err ('', '') >>> process.returncode 0 >>> [n.subject for n in notification_set.getNotificationsToSend()] []