Browser view helpers ==================== Tests for browser.__init__. MilestoneOverlayMixin --------------------- The MilestoneOverlayMixin provides data that is needed by milestoneoverlay.js. The milestone_form_uri property is the location of of the rendered form. The javascript calls newMilestone on the object at series_api_uri. >>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp import LaunchpadView >>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp.servers import LaunchpadTestRequest >>> from lp.registry.browser import MilestoneOverlayMixin >>> class MilestoneCreatorView(LaunchpadView, MilestoneOverlayMixin): ... """A stub view to verify a mixin.""" >>> product = factory.makeProduct(name='app') >>> series = factory.makeProductSeries(name='stable', product=product) >>> view = MilestoneCreatorView(series, LaunchpadTestRequest()) >>> print view.milestone_form_uri >>> print view.series_api_uri /app/stable StatusCount ----------- The get_status_counts function returns a list StatusCounts summarising an iterable of items. The items can be different kinds of objects so long as they all have the same attribute name to count, and the object in that attribute has the required attribute to sort. >>> from lp.registry.browser import get_status_counts >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.series import SeriesStatus >>> class Concept: ... def __init__(self, status, person): ... self.status = status ... self.person = person >>> class Artefact(Concept): ... pass >>> a_person = factory.makePerson(name='andy', displayname="Andy") >>> b_person = factory.makePerson(name='bob', displayname="Bob") >>> concept_1 = Concept(SeriesStatus.EXPERIMENTAL, a_person) >>> artefact_2 = Artefact(SeriesStatus.EXPERIMENTAL, b_person) >>> artefact_3 = Artefact(SeriesStatus.CURRENT, b_person) The common example is for counting the status enums for an object. The default rule is to sort on the 'sortkey' attribute of the object being counted. >>> items = (concept_1, artefact_2, artefact_3) >>> for status_count in get_status_counts(items, 'status'): ... print status_count.count, status_count.status 2 Experimental 1 Current Stable Release The attribute to sort on can be specified. >>> for status_count in get_status_counts(items, 'status', key='title'): ... print status_count.count, status_count.status 1 Current Stable Release 2 Experimental The object being counted does not need to be an enum, but it probably needs to specify the attribute to sort on. >>> for status_count in get_status_counts( ... items, 'person', key='displayname'): ... print status_count.count, status_count.status.displayname 1 Andy 2 Bob If the object being counted is None, it is ignored. >>> artefact_2.person = None >>> for status_count in get_status_counts( ... items, 'person', key='displayname'): ... print status_count.count, status_count.status.displayname 1 Andy 1 Bob