This tests GPG-related pages of an IPerson. >>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp.servers import LaunchpadTestRequest >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter, getUtility Set up the key server: >>> from lp.testing.keyserver import KeyServerTac >>> tac = KeyServerTac() >>> tac.setUp() Grab the sample user: >>> personset = getUtility(IPersonSet) >>> login("") >>> sample_user = personset.getByName('name12') Set up some fingerprints for testing: >>> malformed = "XXXX" >>> bogus = "1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111" >>> gpgv3 = "11 28 37 E2 CB 46 72 67 9E 8E 22 18 DA F9 C0 96" >>> with_crap = ("CFDD 0231 D4A8 992D C760 F5B3 E0B4 E659 E389 E544 uid " ... "S\xe9bastien Serre (Bienvenue sous Ubuntu) " ... " sub 1024g/F39C8D42 2006-08-17") >>> revoked = "84D2 05F0 3E1E 6709 6CB5 4E26 2BE8 3793 AACC D97C" >>> expired = "ECA5 B797 586F 2E27 381A 16CF DE6C 9167 046C 6D63" >>> def post_fingerprint(fingerprint, action='claim_gpg'): ... request = LaunchpadTestRequest(form={ ... 'fingerprint': fingerprint, ... 'action': action, ... 'import': 'Import Key'}) ... request.method = "POST" ... view = getMultiAdapter((sample_user, request), name="+editpgpkeys") ... view.form_action() ... return view Importing GPG Keys ------------------ The first fingerprint is invalid: >>> view = post_fingerprint(malformed) >>> view.key_ok, view.invalid_fingerprint (False, True) This one is valid. It doesn't exist in our keyserver though. >>> view = post_fingerprint(bogus) >>> view.key_ok, view.invalid_fingerprint, view.key_retrieval_failed (False, False, True) This next one is a GPGv3 signature, which is only 128 bits. It's also valid, though: >>> view = post_fingerprint(gpgv3) >>> view.key_ok, view.invalid_fingerprint, view.key_retrieval_failed (False, False, True) This one is a fingerprint with some stuff at the end of it. The end-user just copied too much, but our code truncates it and the result is valid: >>> view = post_fingerprint(with_crap) >>> view.key_ok, view.invalid_fingerprint, view.key_retrieval_failed (False, False, True) These two keys are actually valid and present, but they are revoked and expired, respectively: >>> view = post_fingerprint(revoked) >>> view.key_ok, view.key.revoked (False, True) >>> view = post_fingerprint(expired) >>> view.key_ok, view.key.expired (False, True) GPG Key Validation ------------------ Use a valid fingerprint to import a new key. >>> good_fingerprint = "A419AE861E88BC9E04B9C26FBA2B9389DFD20543" >>> view = post_fingerprint(good_fingerprint) >>> view.key_ok True This new key will be pending validation, though. >>> view.context.pending_gpg_keys [u'A419AE861E88BC9E04B9C26FBA2B9389DFD20543'] And while the validation is not finished, it's possible to cancel the validation, removing the key from the list of pending validation keys. If we do not specify which key we want to cancel the validation, we get an error message. >>> form = {'action': 'remove_gpgtoken'} >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form) >>> request.method = "POST" >>> view = getMultiAdapter((sample_user, request), name="+editpgpkeys") >>> view.form_action() >>> view.error_message.escapedtext u'No key(s) pending validation selected.' >>> view.context.pending_gpg_keys [u'A419AE861E88BC9E04B9C26FBA2B9389DFD20543'] Now we specify the key and it's removed from the list of keys pending validation. >>> form = { ... 'REMOVE_GPGTOKEN': 'A419AE861E88BC9E04B9C26FBA2B9389DFD20543', ... 'action': 'remove_gpgtoken'} >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form) >>> request.method = "POST" >>> view = getMultiAdapter((sample_user, request), name="+editpgpkeys") >>> view.form_action() >>> view.info_message.escapedtext u'Cancelled validation of key(s): A419AE861E88BC9E04B9C26FBA2B9389DFD20543' >>> view.context.pending_gpg_keys [] In some unknown way, the action sent to the form can be None (see bug 520476). >>> view = post_fingerprint(good_fingerprint, action=None) Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnexpectedFormData: Action not permitted: None >>> tac.tearDown()