ProjectGroup views ================== The +index view of projectgroup has a has_many_projects property. It is used by the template to determine how to layout out the page. A project with less than 10 projects is considered not have many projects. >>> projectgroup = factory.makeProject(name='mothership') >>> view = create_view(projectgroup, name='+index') >>> projectgroup.products.count() 0 >>> view.has_many_projects False >>> def add_daughter(projectgroup, letters): ... for letter in letters: ... name = '%s-%s' % (letter, ... product = factory.makeProduct( ... name=name, owner=projectgroup.owner) ... product.project = projectgroup >>> owner = projectgroup.owner >>> login_person(owner) >>> add_daughter(projectgroup, 'a') >>> projectgroup.products.count() 1 >>> view = create_view(projectgroup, name='+index') >>> view.has_many_projects False A projectgroup with more than 10 sub projects is considered to have many projects (10 projects are roughly 2 portlets deep.) >>> add_daughter(projectgroup, 'bcdefghijk') >>> projectgroup.products.count() 11 >>> view = create_view(projectgroup, name='+index') >>> view.has_many_projects True +index portlets --------------- The index page of a project only shows the application portlets that it officially supports. The mothership projectgroup does not officially support any applications. >>> from canonical.launchpad.testing.pages import find_tag_by_id >>> product = projectgroup.products[1] >>> question = factory.makeQuestion(target=product) >>> faq = factory.makeFAQ(target=product) >>> bug = factory.makeBug(product=product) >>> blueprint = factory.makeSpecification(product=product) >>> view = create_view(projectgroup, name='+index', principal=owner) >>> content = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'maincontent') >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'portlet-latest-faqs') None >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'portlet-latest-questions') None >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'portlet-latest-bugs') None >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'portlet-blueprints') None The portlet are rendered when a child product officially uses the Launchpad Answers, Blueprints, and Bugs applications. >>> from import ServiceUsage >>> product.answers_usage = ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD >>> product.blueprints_usage = ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD >>> product.official_malone = True >>> view = create_view(projectgroup, name='+index', principal=owner) >>> content = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'maincontent') >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'portlet-latest-faqs')['id'] portlet-latest-faqs >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'portlet-latest-questions')['id'] portlet-latest-questions >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'portlet-latest-bugs')['id'] portlet-latest-bugs >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'portlet-blueprints')['id'] portlet-blueprints