= Bazaar Revisions = Branches are collection of revisions, and a revision can exist independently from any branch. Revisions are created automatically by scanning branches, they have no creation interface and Launchpad cannot create or modify them. == Interfaces == >>> from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.lpstorm import IStore >>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp.testing import verifyObject >>> from lp.code.interfaces.revision import ( ... IRevision, IRevisionAuthor, IRevisionParent, IRevisionSet) >>> from lp.code.interfaces.branchrevision import IBranchRevision >>> from lp.code.model.revision import ( ... Revision, RevisionAuthor, RevisionParent, RevisionSet) >>> from lp.code.model.branchrevision import BranchRevision >>> verifyObject(IRevision, Revision.get(1)) True >>> verifyObject(IRevisionAuthor, RevisionAuthor.get(1)) True >>> verifyObject(IRevisionParent, RevisionParent.get(1)) True >>> verifyObject(IRevisionSet, RevisionSet()) True >>> verifyObject( ... IBranchRevision, ... IStore(BranchRevision).find(BranchRevision).any()) True == Creating revisions == The creator of a revision is identified by a RevisionAuthor. A RevisionAuthor is not a person because that is only an informational attribute, and even if we trust it, there's really no simple way to map that reliably to persons. >>> from lp.code.model.revision import RevisionAuthor >>> author = RevisionAuthor(name='ddaa@localhost') >>> author.name u'ddaa@localhost' The log-body of a revision is the commit message of that revision. >>> log_body_1 = "Initial import" >>> log_body_2 = "Fix froboizer" The revision-id is the globally unique id used by the revision control. For native Bazaar2 revisions it's a GUID, for Bazaar2 imports it's a string based on the Arch revision id. >>> revision_id_1 = "Arch-1:ddaa@example.com/junk--devel--base-0" >>> revision_id_2 = "some random unique string, we do not care, really" The revision_date is the commit date recorded by the revision control system, while the date_created is the time when the database record was created. >>> from datetime import datetime >>> from pytz import UTC >>> date = datetime(2005, 3, 8, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) >>> from lp.code.model.revision import Revision >>> revision_1 = Revision(log_body=log_body_1, ... revision_author=author, revision_id=revision_id_1, ... revision_date=date) == Parents == Bazaar revisions can have multiple parents, the "leftmost" parent is the revision that was used as a base when committing, other parents are used to record merges. All revisions except initial imports have at least one parent. Parents are accessed through their revision_id without using a foreign key so we can represent revisions whose at least one parent is a ghost revision. >>> revision_2 = Revision(log_body=log_body_2, ... revision_author=author, revision_id=revision_id_2, ... revision_date=date) >>> from lp.code.model.revision import RevisionParent >>> rev2_parent = RevisionParent(sequence=0, revision=revision_2, ... parent_id=revision_1.revision_id) == Branch ancestry == Revisions are associated to branches through the BranchRevision table. A given revision may appear in different positions in different branches thanks to Bazaar converge-on-pull logic. >>> from lp.code.interfaces.branchlookup import IBranchLookup >>> branch = getUtility(IBranchLookup).get(1) >>> branch.revision_history.count() 0 BranchRevision rows are created using `Branch.createBranchRevision`. >>> rev_no_1 = branch.createBranchRevision( ... sequence=1, revision=revision_1) >>> rev_no_2 = branch.createBranchRevision( ... sequence=2, revision=revision_2) >>> rev_no_1.branch == rev_no_2.branch == branch True === Accessing BranchRevision === >>> branch = getUtility(IBranchLookup).getByUniqueName( ... '~name12/+junk/junk.contrib') The full ancestry of a branch is recorded. That includes the history commits on this branch, but also revisions that were merged into this branch. Such merged revisions are associated to the branch using BranchRevision whose sequence attribute is None. >>> from lp.code.model.branchrevision import BranchRevision >>> ancestry = IStore(BranchRevision).find( ... BranchRevision, BranchRevision.branch == branch) >>> for branch_revision in sorted(ancestry, ... key=lambda r:(r.sequence, r.revision.id), reverse=True): ... print branch_revision.sequence, branch_revision.revision.id 6 9 5 8 4 11 3 10 2 5 1 4 None 7 None 6 If you need to operate on the ancestry of a branch, you should write a focused query to avoid creating the tens of thousands of objects necessary to represent the ancestry of a large branch. In particular, IBranch.getScannerData efficiently retrieves the BranchRevision data needed by the branch-scanner script. >>> ancestry, history = branch.getScannerData() The first return value is a set of revision_id strings for the full ancestry of the branch. >>> for revision_id in sorted(ancestry): ... print revision_id foo@localhost-20051031165758-48acedf2b6a2e898 foo@localhost-20051031170008-098959758bf79803 foo@localhost-20051031170239-5fce7d6bd3f01efc foo@localhost-20051031170357-1301ad6d387feb23 test@canonical.com-20051031165248-6f1bb97973c2b4f4 test@canonical.com-20051031165338-5f2f3d6b10bb3bf0 test@canonical.com-20051031165532-3113df343e494daa test@canonical.com-20051031165901-43b9644ec2eacc4e The second return value is a sequence of revision_id strings for the revision history of the branch. >>> for revision_id in history: ... print revision_id test@canonical.com-20051031165248-6f1bb97973c2b4f4 test@canonical.com-20051031165338-5f2f3d6b10bb3bf0 foo@localhost-20051031165758-48acedf2b6a2e898 foo@localhost-20051031170008-098959758bf79803 foo@localhost-20051031170239-5fce7d6bd3f01efc foo@localhost-20051031170357-1301ad6d387feb23 === Deleting BranchRevisions === If a branch gets overwritten or some revisions get uncommitted, Launchpad's view of the branch will differ from the actual state of the branch. If the bzr branch now has fewer revisions than Launchpad's view of the branch, then some of BranchRevision records will need to be removed. BranchRevision records are deleted using the `Branch.removeBranchRevisions` method. First, get a branch: >>> from zope.component import getUtility >>> branch = getUtility(IBranchLookup).getByUniqueName( ... '~name12/+junk/junk.dev') The last commit on this branch has the revision number 6. >>> [revno_6] = branch.latest_revisions(1) >>> revno_6.sequence 6 >>> revno_6.branch == branch True >>> rev_id = revno_6.revision.revision_id >>> print rev_id foo@localhost-20051031170357-1301ad6d387feb23 We remove the last revision from the branch. This is similar to what "bzr uncommit" does. >>> branch.removeBranchRevisions(rev_id) Afterwards, the last commit on the branch has revision number 5. >>> branch.latest_revisions(1)[0].sequence 5 Note that while the BranchRevision object linking the revision to the branch has been destroyed, the associated revision object is not (it may be referenced by some other branch): >>> from lp.code.interfaces.revision import IRevisionSet >>> revision = getUtility(IRevisionSet).getByRevisionId( ... 'foo@localhost-20051031170357-1301ad6d387feb23') >>> print revision.revision_id foo@localhost-20051031170357-1301ad6d387feb23 == IRevisionSet.new() == Revision objects can be created using the IRevisionSet utility. Associated RevisionAuthor and RevisionParent objects will be created as needed. >>> revision = getUtility(IRevisionSet).new( ... revision_id='rev-3', ... log_body='commit message', ... revision_date=date, ... revision_author='ddaa@localhost', ... parent_ids=['rev-1', 'rev-2'], ... properties={u'key': u'value'}) >>> print revision.revision_id rev-3 >>> print revision.log_body commit message >>> print revision.revision_date 2005-03-08 12:00:00+00:00 >>> print revision.revision_author.name ddaa@localhost >>> for parent_id in revision.parent_ids: ... print parent_id rev-1 rev-2 >>> print revision.getProperties() {u'key': u'value'}