ImageChange widget ================== In Launchpad we have images associated with people, products, distributions, etc, and we want to allow people to have full control over their images. That is, they must be able to upload a new image and delete (or keep) an existing one. For this we created this widget, which can be embeded into any form we want, which doesn't require us to add any submit buttons to indicate that the image should be kept, deleted or changed. The widget is composed by a RadioWidget and a FileWidget, where the radio specifies the action that should be performed (keep the existing image, change back to the default image or change it to an user-uploaded one) and the FileWidget gives us the user-uploaded file, in case there is one. Whenever you have a form in which you want to use the image widget, you have to explicitly say whether you want to use its ADD_STYLE or EDIT_STYLE incarnation, by passing an extra argument to the widget's constructor (or to custom_widget(), if you're using it). Our policy is not to ask people to upload images when creating a record, but instead to expose this as an edit form after the object is created. Let's use Salgado and the Launchpad Administrators team as an examples here, since they haven't uploaded custom logos yet. >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPerson, IPersonSet >>> salgado = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('salgado') >>> salgado.logo is None True >>> admins_team = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('admins') >>> admins_team.logo is None True >>> admins_team.icon is None True The ADD_STYLE/EDIT_STYLE incarnations ------------------------------------- The only difference between them is that the ADD_STYLE has a different set of labels for its options and never returns our special flag to indicate that the image should be kept, since there's nothing to be kept. For that reason I'll only demonstrate the EDIT_STYLE here. Since Salgado has no logo, the widget will display the default person- logo image and the 'Keep' radio button will be selected. The other radio button allows the user to upload a new image. >>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp.servers import LaunchpadTestRequest >>> from import ImageChangeWidget >>> add_style = ImageChangeWidget.ADD_STYLE >>> edit_style = ImageChangeWidget.EDIT_STYLE >>> person_logo = IPerson['logo'].bind(salgado) >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_logo, LaunchpadTestRequest(), edit_style) >>> from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup >>> html = widget() >>> print BeautifulSoup(html).find('img').get('src') /@@/person-logo >>> def print_radio_items(html): ... soup = BeautifulSoup(html) ... for input in soup('input', {'type': 'radio'}): ... item = input.get('value') ... if input.get('checked'): ... item += ': SELECTED' ... else: ... item += ': NOT SELECTED' ... print item >>> print_radio_items(html) keep: SELECTED change: NOT SELECTED If we set any random file as salgado's logo, we'll see it there, as well as an option to delete the image that was just uploaded. >>> from import ( ... ILibraryFileAliasSet) >>> login('') >>> logo = getUtility(ILibraryFileAliasSet)[53] >>> salgado.logo = logo # Need to create a new widget instance since we changed our context # manually. >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_logo, LaunchpadTestRequest(), edit_style) >>> html = widget() >>> logo.getURL() == BeautifulSoup(html).find('img').get('src') True >>> print_radio_items(html) keep: SELECTED delete: NOT SELECTED change: NOT SELECTED Now we'll stuff values in our request to simulate a user playing with the widget. Let's see how it reacts. First, let's tell it to keep the existing image. >>> from import KEEP_SAME_IMAGE >>> form = {'field.logo.action': 'keep'} >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_logo, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> widget.getInputValue() == KEEP_SAME_IMAGE True Then we tell it to delete the existing one. >>> form = {'field.logo.action': 'delete'} >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_logo, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> widget.getInputValue() is None True And now we change it to a random image. >>> import canonical.launchpad >>> import os >>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> logo_file_name = os.path.join( ... os.path.dirname(canonical.launchpad.__file__), ... 'images/nyet-logo.png') >>> logo = StringIO(open(logo_file_name, 'r').read()) >>> logo.filename = 'logo.png' >>> form = {'field.logo.action': 'change', ... 'field.logo.image': logo} >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_logo, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> fileupload = widget.getInputValue() >>> fileupload.filename u'logo.png' >>> fileupload.content.filesize == logo.len True In order for this widget to work on add forms, we need to make sure it works when its field is bounded to an object that doesn't have the attribute that the field represents. >>> personset_logo = IPerson['logo'].bind(getUtility(IPersonSet)) >>> form = {'field.logo.action': 'keep'} >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... personset_logo, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), add_style) Note that in this case the KEEP_SAME_IMAGE flag doesn't make sense, so we return None, which is a sensible value that can be fed to a method which creates a new database object for us. >>> widget.getInputValue() == None True >>> print_radio_items(widget()) keep: SELECTED change: NOT SELECTED >>> form = {'field.logo.action': 'change', ... 'field.logo.image': logo} >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... personset_logo, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), add_style) >>> print_radio_items(widget()) keep: NOT SELECTED change: SELECTED >>> widget.getInputValue().content.filesize == logo.len True The IconImageUpload, LogoImageUpload and MugshotImageUpload fields ------------------------------------------------------------------ There are three fields which are used for image uploads. They are all subsclasses of the same BaseImageUpload class, and the only thing they change in each case is the max_size exact dimensions. We will only test the IconImageUpload and MugshotImageUpload widgets below. Since this is a special widget which returns a special object (KEEP_SAME_IMAGE) to indicate that the image should be kept, we need to use a custom field (IconImageUpload) together with it. That field should not be used directly, since it specifies some constraints and defaults that are specific to each image, so you must subclass it before using. >>> from import ( ... BaseImageUpload, IconImageUpload) Note: the .bind method here is fetching the field from the IPerson schema (which should be an IconImageUpload, a subclass of BaseImageUpload) and binding it to Launchpad Administrators. >>> person_icon = IPerson['icon'].bind(admins_team) >>> isinstance(person_icon, BaseImageUpload) True >>> isinstance(person_icon, IconImageUpload) True >>> person_icon.max_size 5120 >>> person_icon.dimensions (14, 14) If we pass that special object (KEEP_SAME_IMAGE) to IconImageUpload's set() method, the current image will be kept. >>> admins_team.icon = getUtility(ILibraryFileAliasSet)[53] >>> existing_img = admins_team.icon >>> existing_img is None False >>> person_icon.set(admins_team, KEEP_SAME_IMAGE) >>> admins_team.icon == existing_img True On the other hand, if we pass None, the current image will be removed. >>> person_icon.set(admins_team, None) >>> admins_team.icon is None True Similarly, passing any file of the type expected (FileUpload) will change the current image to the given file. >>> person_icon.set(admins_team, fileupload) >>> admins_team.icon is None False >>> admins_team.icon == existing_img False Input validation ---------------- The BaseImageUpload field expects an image with the exact dimensions and within the stated constraints, so it won't accept anything else. We will try submit a logo to the mugshot image upload widget. Since we have an image with a byte size smaller than person_mugshot.max_size BUT dimensions smaller than person_mugshot.dimensions, it must be rejected. >>> import PIL.Image >>> person_mugshot = IPerson['mugshot'].bind(salgado) >>> logo_file_name = os.path.join( ... os.path.dirname(canonical.launchpad.__file__), ... 'images/nyet-logo.png') >>> logo = StringIO(open(logo_file_name, 'r').read()) >>> logo.filename = 'logo.png' >>> logo.len <= person_mugshot.max_size True >>> image = >>> image.size <= person_mugshot.dimensions True >>> form = {'field.mugshot.action': 'change', 'field.mugshot.image': logo} >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_mugshot, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> widget.getInputValue() Traceback (most recent call last): ... WidgetInputError: ('field.mugshot', u'Mugshot', LaunchpadValidationError(u'\nThis image is not exactly 192x192\npixels in size.')) This is what we see when the image is the correct dimensions, and within the max_size: >>> mugshot_file_name = os.path.join( ... os.path.dirname(canonical.launchpad.__file__), ... 'images/nyet-mugshot.png') >>> mugshot = StringIO(open(mugshot_file_name, 'r').read()) >>> mugshot.filename = 'mugshot.png' Image is a small enough file: >>> mugshot.len <= person_mugshot.max_size True Image is the correct dimensions: >>> image = >>> image.size == person_mugshot.dimensions True >>> form = {'field.mugshot.action': 'change', ... 'field.mugshot.image': mugshot} >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_mugshot, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> fileupload = widget.getInputValue() >>> fileupload.filename u'mugshot.png' >>> fileupload.content.filesize == mugshot.len True If we change person_mugshot's max_size to be smaller than our test image, we'll get a validation error. >>> person_mugshot.max_size = mugshot.len - 1 >>> >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_mugshot, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> widget.getInputValue() Traceback (most recent call last): ... WidgetInputError: ('field.mugshot', u'Mugshot', LaunchpadValidationError(u'\nThis image exceeds the maximum allowed size in bytes.')) A similar error will be raised if the image's dimensions are bigger than the maximum we allow. >>> person_mugshot.max_size = mugshot.len >>> person_mugshot.dimensions = (image.size[0] - 1, image.size[1] + 1) >>> >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_mugshot, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> widget.getInputValue() Traceback (most recent call last): ... WidgetInputError: ('field.mugshot', u'Mugshot', LaunchpadValidationError(u'\nThis image is not exactly 191x193\npixels in size.')) >>> person_mugshot.dimensions = (image.size[0] + 1, image.size[1] - 1) >>> >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_mugshot, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> widget.getInputValue() Traceback (most recent call last): ... WidgetInputError: ('field.mugshot', u'Mugshot', LaunchpadValidationError(u'\nThis image is not exactly 193x191\npixels in size.')) Finally, if the user specifies the 'change' action he must also provide a file to be uploaded. >>> form = {'field.mugshot.action': 'change', 'field.mugshot.image': ''} >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_mugshot, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> widget.getInputValue() Traceback (most recent call last): ... WidgetInputError: ('field.mugshot', u'Mugshot', LaunchpadValidationError(u'Please specify the image you want to use.')) Non-exact Image Dimensions -------------------------- For some input fields, we don't require a particular size for an image, but want to enforce a maximum size on the image. This can be achieved by setting the exact_dimensions attribute of the field to False: >>> person_mugshot.exact_dimensions = False >>> person_mugshot.dimensions = (64, 64) >>> mugshot = StringIO(open(mugshot_file_name, 'r').read()) >>> mugshot.filename = 'mugshot.png' >>> form = {'field.mugshot.action': 'change', ... 'field.mugshot.image': mugshot} >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_mugshot, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> widget.getInputValue() Traceback (most recent call last): ... WidgetInputError: ('field.mugshot', u'Mugshot', LaunchpadValidationError(u'\nThis image is larger than 64x64\npixels in size.')) If the image is smaller than the dimensions, the input validates: >>> person_mugshot.dimensions = (256, 256) >>> >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_mugshot, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> fileupload = widget.getInputValue() >>> fileupload.filename u'mugshot.png' The same occurs if the image matches the specified dimensions: >>> person_mugshot.dimensions = (192, 192) >>> >>> widget = ImageChangeWidget( ... person_mugshot, LaunchpadTestRequest(form=form), edit_style) >>> fileupload = widget.getInputValue() >>> fileupload.filename u'mugshot.png'