NascentUploadFiles ================== Files related with an Soyuz upload are modelled as: * ChangesFile: the upload changesfile; * DSCFile: the upload DSC file for source uploads; * DSCUploadedFile: used to check consistency of the files mentioned in DSC; * SourceUploadFile: source files like ORIG and DIFF; * UDebBinaryUploadFile: udeb package file; * DebBinaryUploadFile: deb package file; * CustomUploadFile: normally a tarball used for custom uploads. Import the test keys so we have them ready for verification >>> from lp.testing.gpgkeys import import_public_test_keys >>> import_public_test_keys() We need to be logged into the security model in order to get any further >>> login('') >>> from lp.archiveuploader.tests import datadir, getPolicy NascentUploadFile base class ---------------------------- (This base class has many checks in it that are not yet documented here.) Forbidden character check ......................... Some characters are forbidden in filenames as per Debian packaging policy, and this check is performed by the checkNameIsTaintFree() method. It raises an UploadError if there is an invalid character found. Construct the base object with just enough data to do the check: >>> from lp.archiveuploader.nascentuploadfile import NascentUploadFile >>> upload_file = NascentUploadFile( ... "fake/path/to/file/package-1.1.2-3:0ubuntu4", None, 1, ... "section", None, None, None) The filename tries to use an epoch in an invalid way: >>> upload_file.checkNameIsTaintFree() Traceback (most recent call last): ... UploadError: Invalid character(s) in filename: 'package-1.1.2-3:0ubuntu4'. With a good filename, no exception is raised. >>> upload_file = NascentUploadFile( ... "fake/path/to/file/package-1.1.2-1ubuntu1", None, 1, ... "section", None, None, None) >>> upload_file.checkNameIsTaintFree() ChangesFile ----------- A changesfile contains manifest of what is included (ou should be considered) for the upload in question. >>> modified_insecure_policy = getPolicy( ... name='insecure', distro='ubuntu', distroseries='hoary') >>> from lp.archiveuploader.changesfile import ChangesFile >>> from import DevNullLogger >>> ed_binary_changes = ChangesFile( ... datadir('ed_0.2-20_i386.changes.binary-only'), ... modified_insecure_policy, DevNullLogger()) >>> ed_source_changes = ChangesFile( ... datadir('ed_0.2-20_source.changes'), ... modified_insecure_policy, DevNullLogger()) Make sure we are not getting any exceptions due to a malformed changes file name. >>> len(list(ed_binary_changes.checkFileName())) 0 At this point the changesfile content is already parsed: >>> ed_binary_changes.source 'ed' >>> ed_binary_changes.version '0.2-20' >>> ed_binary_changes.architectures set(['i386']) >>> ed_binary_changes.suite_name 'unstable' Push upload targeted suite into policy before the checks, nomally done by NascentUpload object: >>> modified_insecure_policy.setDistroSeriesAndPocket( ... ed_binary_changes.suite_name) Build contained objects, any error during this process will be stored in the returned generator. This way all the checks are performed and we can deal with the errors later: >>> errors = ed_binary_changes.processFiles() >>> errors >>> list(errors) [] >>> list(ed_source_changes.processFiles()) [] At this point we can inspect the list of files contained in the upload. >>> for uploaded_file in ed_binary_changes.files: ... print uploaded_file.filename ed_0.2-20_i386.deb >>> [f.filename for f in ed_binary_changes.binary_package_files] ['ed_0.2-20_i386.deb'] >>> [f.filename for f in ed_binary_changes.source_package_files] [] >>> [f.filename for f in ed_source_changes.binary_package_files] [] >>> [f.filename for f in ed_source_changes.source_package_files] ['ed_0.2-20.dsc', 'ed_0.2-20.diff.gz', 'ed_0.2.orig.tar.gz'] Similar to what we have in 'processFiles' ChangesFile.verify is also a error generator >>> errors = ed_binary_changes.verify() >>> len(list(errors)) 0 Make sure malformed changes file names are caught. We first create a misnamed copy of the changes file. >>> import os, shutil >>> originalp = datadir('ed_0.2-20_i386.changes.binary-only') >>> copyp = datadir('p-m_0.4.12-2~ppa2.changes') >>> shutil.copyfile(originalp, copyp) And then invoke the name check on the changes file with the malformed name. >>> wrong_file_name = ChangesFile( ... datadir('p-m_0.4.12-2~ppa2.changes'), ... modified_insecure_policy, DevNullLogger()) >>> [err] = list(wrong_file_name.checkFileName()) >>> str(err) 'p-m_0.4.12-2~ppa2.changes -> inappropriate changesfile name, ...' Remove the misnamed changes file copy used for testing. >>> os.unlink(copyp) CustomUploadFile identification ............................... A custom upload is essentially a tarball, so it matches the is_source regexp, even though it isn't actually a source file: >>> from lp.archiveuploader.utils import re_issource >>> src_match = re_issource.match('dist-upgrader_1.0.tar.gz') >>> 'dist-upgrader_1.0.tar.gz' >>> 'dist-upgrader' >>> '1.0' >>> 'tar.gz' That's why we recognize them by identifying a set of custom sections: * raw-installer * raw-translations * raw-dist-upgrader * raw-ddtp-tarball The Changesfile.isCustom receives a 'component_and_section' chunk from the respective file line in the changesfile and return True if it is target to a custom section. We will use the current upload available and test the known 'component_and_section' schemas. Note that the component_name and section_name are not checked for sanity, it'll be done later on, this method only checks if the section_name startswith 'raw-': >>> ed_binary_changes.isCustom('foo-bar') False >>> ed_binary_changes.isCustom('drops/foo-bar') False >>> ed_binary_changes.isCustom('drops/raw-biscuit') True >>> ed_binary_changes.isCustom('drops/rawbiscuit') False >>> ed_binary_changes.isCustom('drops/raw-biscuit/something') True >>> ed_binary_changes.isCustom('main/raw-installer') True >>> ed_binary_changes.isCustom('main/law-installer') False See the CustomUploadFile checks below for specific checks on custom uploads. ChangesFile Parsing Addresses ............................. Address parsing is implemented by the SignableTagFile class, which is base for ChangesFile and DSCFile. >>> from lp.archiveuploader.dscfile import SignableTagFile >>> sig_file = SignableTagFile() Note that the policy.{distroseries, pocket} must be already initialized before issuing any parse request, otherwise we can't generate proper PERSON_CREATION_RATIONALE_MESSAGES. >>> sig_file_policy = getPolicy(name='insecure', distro='ubuntu') >>> sig_file_policy.setDistroSeriesAndPocket('hoary') >>> sig_file.policy = sig_file_policy Some fields extracted from the tag_file are required, they are always present in ChangesFile and DSCFile: >>> sig_file._dict = {} >>> sig_file._dict['Source'] = 'some-source' >>> sig_file._dict['Version'] = '6.6.6' After initiliasing sig_file we can parse addresses and look them up in Launchpad: >>> addr = sig_file.parseAddress("Foo Bar ") >>> addr['person'].displayname u'Foo Bar' >>> addr['person'].creation_comment is None True If the address is unparsable, we get an error. >>> sig_file.parseAddress("Cannot Parse Me ") Traceback (most recent call last): ... UploadError: Cannot Parse Me : no @ found in email address part. If the email address is not yet registered and policy.create_people is True, a new Person will be created. >>> sig_file.policy.create_people True >>> addr = sig_file.parseAddress("Baz ") >>> addr['person'] 'SOURCEPACKAGEUPLOAD' >>> addr['person'].creation_comment u'when the some-source_6.6.6 package was uploaded to hoary/RELEASE' If the email address is registered but not associated with a person it will be associated with a new Person. This involves updating the email address, something for which the uploader must have explicit permissions (bug 589073). >>> sig_file.policy.create_people True >>> from import commit >>> from import IAccountSet >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import ( ... PersonCreationRationale, IPersonSet) >>> (acct, email) = getUtility(IAccountSet).createAccountAndEmail( ... "", PersonCreationRationale.UNKNOWN, ... "fo", "secr1t") >>> person = getUtility(IPersonSet).createPersonWithoutEmail("fo", ... rationale=PersonCreationRationale.UNKNOWN) >>> person.account = acct Commit the changes so the emailaddress will have to be updated later rather than inserted. >>> commit() >>> addr = sig_file.parseAddress("Foo ") >>> print addr['person'] UNKNOWN >>> commit() >>> print addr['email'] If the use an un-initialized policy to create a launchpad person the creation_rationale will still be possible, however missing important information, the upload target: >>> sig_file.policy.distroseries = None >>> addr = sig_file.parseAddress("Bar ") >>> addr['person'] 'SOURCEPACKAGEUPLOAD' >>> addr['person'].creation_comment u'when the some-source_6.6.6 package was uploaded to (unknown)' On ChangesFile objects we can have access to the enhanced address_structure corresponding to the RFC-822 mentioned after performing 'processAddress': >>> ed_binary_changes.maintainer is None True >>> errors = ed_binary_changes.processAddresses() >>> len(list(errors)) 0 As we can see, this method also return an error generator. The built address_structure contains values that will be used during the upload processing: >>> ed_binary_changes.maintainer['rfc822'] 'James Troup ' >>> ed_binary_changes.maintainer['rfc2047'] 'James Troup ' >>> ed_binary_changes.maintainer['name'] 'James Troup' >>> ed_binary_changes.maintainer['email'] '' >>> ed_binary_changes.maintainer['person'] Signature Traces ................ Changes file can be optionally GPG-signed, so ChangesFile has infrastructure to record this information for later checks with policy requirements. The ChangesFile signer IPerson, used to checks upload ACL, normally know as 'sponsor' or 'mentor': >>> ed_binary_changes.signer.displayname u'Foo Bar' The IGPGKey used to sign this ChangesFile: >>> ed_binary_changes.signingkey.displayname u'1024D/5D147547' DSCFile ------- DSCFile class models the operations and checks needed for processing and storing a DSC file in the LP system. The DSC file itself contains information about what was used to build the given version of source. >>> from lp.archiveuploader.dscfile import ( ... DSCFile, DSCUploadedFile) >>> ed_source_dsc = DSCFile( ... datadir('ed_0.2-20.dsc'), ... 'de8b206f8fc57bd931f6226feac6644a', 578, 'editors', ... 'important', 'ed', '0.2-20', ed_source_changes, ... modified_insecure_policy, DevNullLogger()) >>> ed_source_dsc So this object is exactly the same than what we already have created in the ChangesFile instance. >>> ed_source_changes.dsc The DSCFile also presents a similar behaviour to access its parsed contents: >>> ed_source_dsc.source 'ed' >>> ed_source_dsc.version '0.2-20' >>> ed_source_dsc.architecture 'any' >>> ed_source_dsc.binary 'ed' The DSC is GPG-signed most of the time, so we can guarantee who was the author. The DSCFile class implements the same address parsing methods found in ChangesFile: >>> ed_source_dsc.maintainer['rfc822'] 'James Troup ' The DSC signer IPerson: >>> ed_source_dsc.signer.displayname u'Foo Bar' The IGPGKey used to sign this DSC, which will be stored as the ISourcePackageRelease.dscsiginingkey: >>> ed_source_dsc.signingkey.displayname u'1024D/6C64A8C5' A DSCFile provides a verification API similiar to what we have in ChangesFile itself: >>> errors = ed_source_dsc.verify() >>> errors >>> len(list(errors)) 0 Apart of other consisteny checks DSCFile is able to check also ensure the digest declared in in the DSC matches the content of the files on disk: >>> ed_broken_dsc = DSCFile( ... datadir('ed_0.2-20.dsc'), ... 'e31eeb0b6b3b87e1ea79378df864ffff', 500, 'editors', ... 'important', 'ed', '0.2-20', ed_source_changes, ... modified_insecure_policy, DevNullLogger()) >>> errors = ed_broken_dsc.verify() >>> [str(err) for err in errors] ['File ed_0.2-20.dsc mentioned in the changes has a checksum mismatch. de8b206f8fc57bd931f6226feac6644a != e31eeb0b6b3b87e1ea79378df864ffff'] It also verifies the file size when the checksum matches. >>> ed_broken_dsc = DSCFile( ... datadir('ed_0.2-20.dsc'), ... 'de8b206f8fc57bd931f6226feac6644a', 500, 'editors', ... 'important', 'ed', '0.2-20', ed_source_changes, ... modified_insecure_policy, DevNullLogger()) >>> errors = ed_broken_dsc.verify() >>> [str(err) for err in errors] ['File ed_0.2-20.dsc mentioned in the changes has a size mismatch. 578 != 500'] Sub-DSC files or DSCUploadedFiles ................................. Sub-DSCFiles are DSCUploadedFile objects. >>> ed_source_dsc.files[0] We can also inspect the list of files declared in this DSC: >>> for dsc_file in ed_source_dsc.files: ... print dsc_file.filename ed_0.2.orig.tar.gz ed_0.2-20.diff.gz The DSCUploadedFile also inherit the ability to verify file sanity: >>> ed_broken_dsc_file = DSCUploadedFile( ... datadir('ed_0.2-20.diff.gz'), ... 'f9e1e5f13725f581919e9bfd6227ffff', 500, ... modified_insecure_policy, DevNullLogger()) >>> errors = ed_broken_dsc_file.verify() >>> [str(err) for err in errors] ['File ed_0.2-20.diff.gz mentioned in the changes has a checksum mismatch. 8343836094fb01ee9b9a1067b23365f1 != f9e1e5f13725f581919e9bfd6227ffff'] DebBinaryUploadFile ------------------- DebBinaryUploadFile models a binary .deb file. >>> from lp.archiveuploader.nascentuploadfile import ( ... DebBinaryUploadFile) >>> ed_deb_path = datadir('ed_0.2-20_i386.deb') >>> ed_binary_deb = DebBinaryUploadFile( ... ed_deb_path, 'e31eeb0b6b3b87e1ea79378df864ffff', 15, ... 'main/editors', 'important', 'foo', '1.2', ed_binary_changes, ... modified_insecure_policy, DevNullLogger()) Like the other files it can be verified: >>> list(ed_binary_deb.verify()) [] Verification checks that the specified section matches the section in the changes file: >>> ed_binary_deb = DebBinaryUploadFile( ... ed_deb_path, 'e31eeb0b6b3b87e1ea79378df864ffff', 15, 'main/net', ... 'important', 'foo', '1.2', ed_binary_changes, ... modified_insecure_policy, DevNullLogger()) >>> list(ed_binary_deb.verify()) [UploadError('ed_0.2-20_i386.deb control file lists section as main/editors but changes file has main/net.',)] It also checks the priority against the changes file: >>> ed_binary_deb = DebBinaryUploadFile( ... ed_deb_path, 'e31eeb0b6b3b87e1ea79378df864ffff', 15, ... 'main/editors', 'extra', 'foo', '1.2', ed_binary_changes, ... modified_insecure_policy, DevNullLogger()) >>> list(ed_binary_deb.verify()) [UploadError('ed_0.2-20_i386.deb control file lists priority as important but changes file has extra.',)] The timestamp of the files in the .deb are tested against the policy for being too new: >>> from lp.archiveuploader.uploadpolicy import ArchiveUploadType >>> old_only_policy = getPolicy( ... name='insecure', distro='ubuntu', distroseries='hoary') >>> old_only_policy.accepted_type = ArchiveUploadType.BINARY_ONLY >>> old_only_policy.future_time_grace = -5 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 >>> ed_binary_deb = DebBinaryUploadFile( ... ed_deb_path, 'e31eeb0b6b3b87e1ea79378df864ffff', 15, ... 'main/editors', 'important', 'foo', '1.2', ed_binary_changes, ... old_only_policy, DevNullLogger()) >>> list(ed_binary_deb.verifyDebTimestamp()) [UploadError('ed_0.2-20_i386.deb: has 26 file(s) with a time stamp too far into the future (e.g. control [Thu Jan 3 19:29:01 2008]).',)] ... as well as for being too old: >>> new_only_policy = getPolicy( ... name='insecure', distro='ubuntu', distroseries='hoary') >>> new_only_policy.accepted_type = ArchiveUploadType.BINARY_ONLY >>> new_only_policy.earliest_year = 2010 >>> ed_binary_deb = DebBinaryUploadFile( ... ed_deb_path, 'e31eeb0b6b3b87e1ea79378df864ffff', 15, ... 'main/editors', 'important', 'foo', '1.2', ed_binary_changes, ... new_only_policy, DevNullLogger()) >>> list(ed_binary_deb.verify()) [UploadError('ed_0.2-20_i386.deb: has 26 file(s) with a time stamp too far in the past (e.g. control [Thu Jan 3 19:29:01 2008]).',)]