ArchiveSubscriber ================= This content class represents a subscription by a person to an IArchive. The subscription represents that person's ability to download items from the archive's repository. The subscription is granted by a person who has upload permission to the archive. Once created the subscription is only viewable by other uploaders and the person in the subscription. See also archiveauthtoken.txt. First, create a person 'joesmith' and a team 'team_cprov': >>> login('') >>> joesmith = factory.makePerson(name="joesmith", ... displayname="Joe Smith", ... password="test", ... email="") >>> johnsmith = factory.makePerson(name="johnsmith", ... displayname="John Smith", ... password="test", ... email="") >>> fredsmith = factory.makePerson(name="fredsmith", ... displayname="Fred Smith", ... password="test", ... email="") >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> cprov = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName("cprov") >>> no_priv = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName("no-priv") >>> team_cprov = factory.makeTeam(cprov, "Team Cprov") >>> johnsmith.join(team_cprov) >>> from lp.testing.mail_helpers import print_emails Creating new subscriptions -------------------------- New subscriptions are created using IArchive.newSubscription() Operations with subscriptions are security protected, so to start with we'll log in as an unprivileged user. >>> login("") We can create a new subscription for joesmith to access cprov's PPA like this: >>> new_sub = cprov.archive.newSubscription(joesmith, cprov) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Unauthorized:... That failed because only people who have launchpad.Append (basically, upload access) on the context archive are allowed to create subscriptions. Users cannot create their own subscriptions either. Log in as joesmith: >>> login("") >>> new_token = cprov.archive.newSubscription(joesmith, cprov) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Unauthorized:... If we log in as cprov it will still not work because his archive is public: >>> login("") >>> new_sub = cprov.archive.newSubscription( ... joesmith, cprov, description=u"subscription for joesmith") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ArchiveNotPrivate: Only private archives can have subscriptions. If we create a private ppa for Celso, then he can create a subscription for joesmith: >>> login('') >>> cprov_private_ppa = factory.makeArchive( ... owner=cprov, distribution=cprov.archive.distribution, ... private=True, name='p3a', ... description="packages to help my friends.") >>> login("") >>> new_sub = cprov_private_ppa.newSubscription( ... joesmith, cprov, description=u"subscription for joesmith") The new subscription is returned and reflects the data: >>> print new_sub.displayname Joe Smith's access to PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo >>> print cprov >>> print new_sub.description subscription for joesmith >>> print CURRENT Subscriptions also contain some date information: >>> new_sub.date_created is not None True >>> print new_sub.date_expires None An email is sent to the subscribed person when the ArchiveSubscriber entry is created: >>> print_emails(include_reply_to=True) #doctest: -NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE From: Celso Providelo To: Reply-To: Celso Providelo Subject: PPA access granted for PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo Hello Joe Smith, Launchpad: access to a private archive -------------------------------------- Celso Providelo has granted you access to a private software archive "PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo" (ppa:cprov/p3a), which is hosted by Launchpad and has the following description: packages to help my friends. To start downloading and using software from this archive you need to view your access details by visiting this link: You can find out more about Celso Providelo here: If you'd prefer not to use software from this archive, you can safely ignore this email. However, if you have any concerns you can contact the Launchpad team by emailing Regards, The Launchpad team ---------------------------------------- If the description of the P3A is changed to None, and a new user subscribed the e-mail does not contain the description. >>> cprov_private_ppa.description = None >>> unused = cprov_private_ppa.newSubscription(fredsmith, cprov) >>> print_emails(include_reply_to=True) #doctest: -NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE From: Celso Providelo To: Reply-To: Celso Providelo Subject: PPA access granted for PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo Hello Fred Smith, Launchpad: access to a private archive -------------------------------------- Celso Providelo has granted you access to a private software archive "PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo" (ppa:cprov/p3a), which is hosted by Launchpad. To start downloading and using software from this archive you need to view your access details by visiting this link: You can find out more about Celso Providelo here: If you'd prefer not to use software from this archive, you can safely ignore this email. However, if you have any concerns you can contact the Launchpad team by emailing Regards, The Launchpad team ---------------------------------------- A subscription for a subscriber who already has a current subscription cannot be created: >>> new_sub = cprov_private_ppa.newSubscription( ... joesmith, cprov, description=u"subscription for joesmith") Traceback (most recent call last): ... AlreadySubscribed: Joe Smith already has a current subscription for 'PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo'. Add another subscription for the test user, this time to mark's ppa: >>> login("") >>> mark = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName("mark") >>> mark_private_ppa = factory.makeArchive( ... owner=mark, distribution=mark.archive.distribution, ... private=True, name='p3a') >>> new_sub_to_mark_ppa = mark_private_ppa.newSubscription( ... joesmith, mark, description=u"subscription for joesmith") >>> print_emails() From: Mark Shuttleworth To: ... And also a subscription for a Team: >>> new_team_sub_to_mark_ppa = mark_private_ppa.newSubscription( ... team_cprov, mark, description=u"Access for cprov team") >>> print_emails() From: Mark Shuttleworth To: ... Explicitly set the date_created for testing purposes: >>> from datetime import datetime >>> import pytz >>> from import removeSecurityProxy >>> removeSecurityProxy(new_sub).date_created = datetime( ... 2009, 2, 26, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) >>> removeSecurityProxy(new_sub_to_mark_ppa).date_created = datetime( ... 2009, 2, 22, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) >>> removeSecurityProxy(new_team_sub_to_mark_ppa).date_created = ( ... datetime(2009, 2, 24, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)) Commit the new subscriptions to the database. >>> from import Store >>> Store.of(new_sub).commit() Retrieving existing subscriptions --------------------------------- The ArchiveSubscriberSet utility allows you to retrieve subscriptions by subscriber and archive. To access subscriptions you need launchpad.View privilege which applies to the person in the subscriptions and launchpad admins. >>> from lp.soyuz.enums import ArchiveSubscriberStatus >>> from lp.soyuz.interfaces.archivesubscriber import ( ... IArchiveSubscriberSet) >>> sub_set = getUtility(IArchiveSubscriberSet) >>> login("") >>> sub = sub_set.getBySubscriber(new_sub.subscriber) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Unauthorized:... Log in as joesmith, who is the person in the subscription. >>> login("") And retrieve the subscription by subscriber and archive: >>> print sub_set.getBySubscriber( ... new_sub.subscriber)[0].archive.displayname PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo >>> print sub_set.getByArchive(new_sub.archive)[1] joesmith The getBySubscriber() method takes an optional archive parameter for finding a subscription for a particular user in a particular archive: >>> print sub_set.getBySubscriber( ... new_sub.subscriber, new_sub.archive)[0].archive.displayname PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo By default the getBySubscriber() and getByArchive() methods return all current subscriptions, most recently created first: >>> login('') >>> for subscription in sub_set.getBySubscriber(new_sub.subscriber): ... print subscription.archive.displayname ... print PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo 2009-02-26 PPA named p3a for Mark Shuttleworth 2009-02-22 >>> for subscription in sub_set.getByArchive(mark_private_ppa): ... print subscription.subscriber.displayname ... print Team Cprov 2009-02-24 Joe Smith 2009-02-22 If we cancel one of the subscriptions: >>> login("") >>> new_sub_to_mark_ppa.status = ArchiveSubscriberStatus.CANCELLED >>> login("") then the cancelled subscription no longer appears in the results of getBySubscriber() and getByArchive(): >>> sub_set.getBySubscriber(new_sub.subscriber).count() 1 >>> sub_set.getByArchive(mark_private_ppa).count() 1 Unless we explicitly ask for all subscriptions - not just the current ones: >>> sub_set.getBySubscriber( ... new_sub.subscriber, current_only=False).count() 2 >>> sub_set.getByArchive(mark_private_ppa, current_only=False).count() 2 The getBySubscriber() method includes by default subscriptions for teams to which the provided subscriber belongs: >>> joesmith.join(team_cprov) >>> for subscription in sub_set.getBySubscriber(joesmith): ... print subscription.archive.displayname ... print subscription.description PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo subscription for joesmith PPA named p3a for Mark Shuttleworth Access for cprov team Finally, many callsites of getBySubscriber() will be interested not only in each subscription of the subscriber, but also the generated ArchiveAuthToken for each subscription of the subscriber. These can be returned as well using the getBySubscriberWithActiveToken(): First create a token for joesmith's subscription for cprov's archive: >>> joesmith_token = cprov_private_ppa.newAuthToken( ... joesmith, u"test_token") Now print out all subscriptions with their tokens for joesmith: >>> def print_subscriptions_with_tokens(subs_with_tokens): ... for subscription, token in subs_with_tokens: ... if token: ... token_text = token.token ... else: ... token_text = "None" ... print subscription.archive.displayname ... print token_text >>> print_subscriptions_with_tokens( ... sub_set.getBySubscriberWithActiveToken(joesmith)) PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo test_token PPA named p3a for Mark Shuttleworth None There's a also related method on IPerson that will return the archive URLs for the activated tokens. >>> for url in joesmith.getArchiveSubscriptionURLs(joesmith): ... print url This method can only be used by someone with launchpad.Edit on the context IPerson: >>> login("") >>> urls = joesmith.getArchiveSubscriptionURLs(no_priv) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Unauthorized Deactivated tokens are not included with the returned token for a subscription: >>> login("") >>> joesmith_token.deactivate() >>> login("") >>> print_subscriptions_with_tokens( ... sub_set.getBySubscriberWithActiveToken(joesmith)) PPA named p3a for Celso Providelo None PPA named p3a for Mark Shuttleworth None Amending Subscriptions ---------------------- Some of the properties of subscriptions can change after they are created. To do this, the changer needs to have launchpad.Edit on the subscription, or be an admin. Trying to set the properties as the subscribed person will fail: >>> from import UTC_NOW >>> new_sub.date_expires = UTC_NOW Traceback (most recent call last): ... Unauthorized:... Log in as someone with launchpad.Edit and it will work: >>> login("") >>> new_sub.date_expires = UTC_NOW Other properties that might get modified later are status and description. We can also do this as an admin. >>> login("") >>> new_sub.description = u"changed by admin" >>> new_sub.status = ArchiveSubscriberStatus.EXPIRED The subscriber and registrant properties are not editable. >>> new_sub.subscriber = cprov Traceback (most recent call last): ... ForbiddenAttribute:... >>> new_sub.registrant = joesmith Traceback (most recent call last): ... ForbiddenAttribute:... Cancelling subscriptions ------------------------ Subscriptions can only be cancelled after they are created. The calling user also needs launchpad.Edit on the subscription, which means either someone with IArchive launchpad.Append (as for creating new tokens) or an admin. >>> login("") >>> new_sub.cancel() Traceback (most recent call last): ... Unauthorized:... >>> login("") >>> new_sub.cancel(cprov) Cancelling sets the date_cancelled value to the current date/time and cancelled_by to the supplied person. The status also changes to CANCELLED. >>> new_sub.date_cancelled is not None True >>> print cprov >>> print CANCELLED We can do this as an admin too: >>> login("") >>> new_sub.cancel(cprov) Finding all non-active subscribers ---------------------------------- The method getNonActiveSubscribers() facilitates contacting all the people included in this subscription who do not yet have an active token for the corresponding archive. For example, Joe already has an (unactivated) subscription to Mark's PPA via the cprov_team: >>> for subscription in sub_set.getBySubscriber(joesmith): ... print subscription.archive.displayname ... print subscription.description PPA named p3a for Mark Shuttleworth Access for cprov team >>> subscription = sub_set.getBySubscriber(joesmith).first() So the getNonActiveSubscribers() method for this team subscription will currently include Joe: >>> for person, email in subscription.getNonActiveSubscribers(): ... print person.displayname, Celso Providelo Joe Smith John Smith But if we create an auth token for joe to the archive (this could be via a separate subscription), then he will no longer be listed as a non-active subscriber for this subscription: >>> joesmith_token = mark_private_ppa.newAuthToken(joesmith) >>> for person, email in subscription.getNonActiveSubscribers(): ... print person.displayname Celso Providelo John Smith If the subscription is just for an individual, getNonActiveSubscribers() will return a list with the single subscriber as expected: >>> login("") >>> harrysmith = factory.makePerson(name="harrysmith", ... displayname="Harry Smith", ... password="test", ... email="") >>> subscription = mark_private_ppa.newSubscription( ... harrysmith, mark, description=u"subscription for joesmith") >>> for person, email in subscription.getNonActiveSubscribers(): ... print person.displayname Harry Smith If Harry activates a token for his new subscription then getNonActiveSubscribers will return an empty result set as he is now "active". >>> harry_token = mark_private_ppa.newAuthToken(harrysmith) >>> print subscription.getNonActiveSubscribers().count() 0 If the subscription is for a group which itself contains a group, all indirect members that are not themselves groups are included: >>> launchpad_devs = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('launchpad') >>> ignored = launchpad_devs.addMember( ... team_cprov, mark, force_team_add=True) >>> subscription = mark_private_ppa.newSubscription( ... launchpad_devs, mark, description=u"LP team too") >>> for person, email in subscription.getNonActiveSubscribers(): ... print person.displayname Celso Providelo John Smith Foo Bar