DOCTESTS SUCK! PLEASE DO NOT ADD TO THIS DOCTEST, SEE lib/lp/soyuz/tests/ instead and consider migrating tests from here to there. = Creating & Looking for Build records = ISourcePackageRelease has the ability to create Build records, however it needs external support to treat architecturehintlist and Package-architecture-specific (P-a-s) information, see further information in buildd-queuebuilder.txt. ISourcePackageRelease also provides a 'getBuildByArch' method which allows the application to lookup for Build records in a given DistroArchSeries and Archive. To demonstrate this we need to define some variables. >>> from zope.component import getUtility >>> from import ILibraryFileAliasSet >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistributionSet >>> ubuntu = getUtility(IDistributionSet).getByName('ubuntu') >>> hoary = ubuntu.getSeries('hoary') Retrieve hoary/i386 and hoary/hppa `DistroArchSeries. >>> hoary_i386 = hoary['i386'] >>> hoary_hppa = hoary['hppa'] >>> fake_chroot = getUtility(ILibraryFileAliasSet)[1] >>> trash = hoary_i386.addOrUpdateChroot(fake_chroot) >>> trash = hoary_hppa.addOrUpdateChroot(fake_chroot) >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> cprov = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('cprov') >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.pocket import ( ... PackagePublishingPocket) >>> pocket_release = PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE The base method createBuild() is able to create a build to a given distro_arch_series, pocket and archive. Build.status, by default is set to NEEDSBUILD, but you can optionally provide another status. >>> hoary_evo_source = hoary.getSourcePackage('evolution') >>> evo_release = hoary_evo_source['1.0'].sourcepackagerelease >>> from lp.buildmaster.enums import BuildStatus >>> evo_build_i386 = evo_release.createBuild( ... hoary_i386, pocket_release, ubuntu.main_archive, ... status=BuildStatus.FULLYBUILT) >>> print FULLYBUILT >>> evo_build_i386.distro_arch_series.architecturetag u'i386' >>> print evo_build_i386.archive.displayname Primary Archive for Ubuntu Linux The build record can be retrieved via getBuildByArch on hoary/i386 architecture. >>> test_build_i386 = evo_release.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_i386, ubuntu.main_archive) >>> test_build_i386 == evo_build_i386 True However a hoary/hppa build is not available. >>> test_build_hppa = evo_release.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_hppa, ubuntu.main_archive) >>> print test_build_hppa None == Sources inherited during distroseries initialization == We will copy the evolution source to ubuntu/breezy-autotest as if it was inherited in the initialization. >>> breezy_autotest = ubuntu.getSeries('breezy-autotest') >>> breezy_autotest_i386 = breezy_autotest['i386'] >>> print breezy_autotest.previous_series.title The Hoary Hedgehog Release >>> hoary_evo_release = hoary_evo_source['1.0'] >>> copied_pub = hoary_evo_release.current_published.copyTo( ... breezy_autotest, pocket_release, breezy_autotest.main_archive) >>> breezy_autotest_evo_source = breezy_autotest.getSourcePackage( ... 'evolution') >>> breezy_autotest_evo_release = breezy_autotest_evo_source['1.0'] >>> evo_release == breezy_autotest_evo_release.sourcepackagerelease True Since evolution source was already built on ubuntu/hoary/i386, the parent series, it should be found by a build lookup happening on ubuntu/breezy-autotest/i386. In practical terms it means that another build is not necessary in this context. >>> breezy_autotest_build = evo_release.getBuildByArch( ... breezy_autotest_i386, ubuntu.main_archive) >>> print breezy_autotest_build.title i386 build of evolution 1.0 in ubuntu hoary RELEASE == Sources with architecture-independent and specific binaries == Even if the source package builds an architecture-independent package, no Build record will be returned by getBuildByArch() if arch-specific binary packages were not built (see bug #65712 for further information). In order to be independent of the sampledata we will use the SoyuzTestPublisher helper to create fake but complete publication for this test. >>> from lp.soyuz.enums import ( ... PackagePublishingStatus) >>> from lp.soyuz.tests.test_publishing import ( ... SoyuzTestPublisher) >>> test_publisher = SoyuzTestPublisher() >>> name16 = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('name16') >>> test_publisher.person = name16 Let's create and publish a source which produces an architecture-independent binary. >>> foo_pub_src = test_publisher.getPubSource( ... version="1.0", architecturehintlist='all', ... distroseries=hoary, archive=ubuntu.main_archive, ... status=PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED) >>> foo_pub_binaries = test_publisher.getPubBinaries( ... distroseries=hoary, pub_source=foo_pub_src, ... status=PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED) The build record for foo in hoary/i386 was created. >>> test_build_i386 = foo_pub_src.sourcepackagerelease.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_i386, ubuntu.main_archive) >>> print test_build_i386.title i386 build of foo 1.0 in ubuntu hoary RELEASE And despite of having a architecture-independent binary published in hoary hppa, the build lookup in this architecture returns None, i.e, the build doesn't exist. >>> for pub in foo_pub_binaries: ... print pub.displayname foo-bin 1.0 in hoary i386 foo-bin 1.0 in hoary hppa >>> test_build_hppa = foo_pub_src.sourcepackagerelease.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_hppa, ubuntu.main_archive) >>> print test_build_hppa None == Sources copied from PRIMARY to PPAs == Sources published (uploaded or copied) to the PPA do not share builds with the distribution main archive (PRIMARY/PARTNER). They should have a build record representing the building context for the specific PPA where they are published. Let's start by copying a PRIMARY archive source to Celso's PPA. >>> copy = hoary_evo_source['1.0'].current_published.copyTo( ... hoary, pocket_release, cprov.archive) No suitable build will be found for it. >>> test_build_i386_ppa = copy.sourcepackagerelease.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_i386, cprov.archive) >>> print test_build_i386_ppa None Then we can create a build record representing the intent to build the copied source using the current PPA context. The PPA build context is a merge between the PRIMARY archive context and the differences introduced by the PPA itself, like new package or new dependency versions, so the resulted binary will be influenced by the PPA contents at the time it was built. >>> evo_build_i386_ppa = copy.sourcepackagerelease.createBuild( ... hoary_i386, pocket_release, cprov.archive) >>> 'NEEDSBUILD' >>> print evo_build_i386_ppa.archive.displayname PPA for Celso Providelo The copied source build lookup in the PPA returns the build created in the PPA context, not the PRIMARY archive one. >>> test_build_i386_ppa = copy.sourcepackagerelease.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_i386, cprov.archive) >>> test_build_i386_ppa == evo_build_i386_ppa True As expected, the hoary/hppa build is still missing in both archives. >>> test_build_hppa_ppa = copy.sourcepackagerelease.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_hppa, cprov.archive) >>> print test_build_hppa_ppa None When we create a hoary/hppa build in the PPA context, it will continue to be missing in the PRIMARY archive context. >>> evo_build_hppa_ppa = copy.sourcepackagerelease.createBuild( ... hoary_hppa, pocket_release, cprov.archive) >>> test_build_hppa_ppa = copy.sourcepackagerelease.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_hppa, cprov.archive) >>> print test_build_hppa_ppa.title hppa build of evolution 1.0 in ubuntu hoary RELEASE >>> test_build_hppa = evo_release.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_hppa, ubuntu.main_archive) >>> print test_build_hppa None == Build lookup for sources & binaries copied across PPAs == Launchpad also allows copies from published sources including corresponding binaries from PRIMARY archive to PPA or from one PPA to another. We will create a foo_1.0 source, build and i386 binary published in hoary PRIMARY archive. >>> foo_pub_src = test_publisher.getPubSource( ... version="0.1", architecturehintlist='i386', ... distroseries=hoary, archive=ubuntu.main_archive, ... status=PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED) >>> foo_pub_binaries = test_publisher.getPubBinaries( ... distroseries=hoary, pub_source=foo_pub_src, ... status=PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED) >>> foo_source_release = foo_pub_src.sourcepackagerelease >>> build_primary = foo_source_release.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_i386, ubuntu.main_archive) >>> print build_primary.title i386 build of foo 0.1 in ubuntu hoary RELEASE >>> print build_primary.archive.displayname Primary Archive for Ubuntu Linux Then we can copy source and binary from PRIMARY archive to Celso's PPA: >>> cprov_src = foo_pub_src.copyTo( ... hoary, pocket_release, cprov.archive) >>> [cprov_bin] = foo_pub_binaries[0].copyTo( ... hoary, pocket_release, cprov.archive) >>> cprov_src.status = PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED >>> cprov_bin.status = PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED >>> from import flush_database_updates >>> flush_database_updates() A build record is clearly not required here, since both, source and binary got copied from PRIMARY archive, thus the system is able to identify this situation and locate the original build. See the bug #181736 report for previous mistakes in this area. >>> cprov_spr = cprov_src.sourcepackagerelease >>> cprov_build = cprov_spr.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_i386, cprov.archive) >>> print cprov_build.title i386 build of foo 0.1 in ubuntu hoary RELEASE >>> print cprov_build.archive.displayname Primary Archive for Ubuntu Linux Another possible situation is when the user wants to rebuild the same source published in hoary to another suite, let's say breezy-autotest in his PPA. >>> cprov_foo_src = cprov.archive.getPublishedSources(name='foo').first() >>> breezy_autotest = ubuntu.getSeries('breezy-autotest') >>> copy = cprov_foo_src.copyTo( ... breezy_autotest, pocket_release, cprov.archive) >>> copy.status = PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED >>> flush_database_updates() When only the source is copied we do want to rebuild, so it's correct when the build lookup returns None. >>> copied_release = copy.sourcepackagerelease >>> breezy_autotest_i386 = breezy_autotest['i386'] >>> copied_build_candidate = copied_release.getBuildByArch( ... breezy_autotest_i386, cprov.archive) >>> print copied_build_candidate None It's even possible to copy source and binaries from hoary to warty suite in Celso's PPA. >>> cprov_foo_src = cprov.archive.getPublishedSources( ... name='foo', distroseries=hoary).first() >>> cprov_foo_bin = cprov_foo_src.getPublishedBinaries()[0] >>> warty = ubuntu.getSeries('warty') >>> copied_source = cprov_foo_src.copyTo( ... warty, pocket_release, cprov.archive) >>> [copied_binary] = cprov_foo_bin.copyTo( ... warty, pocket_release, cprov.archive) >>> copied_source.status = PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED >>> copied_binary.status = PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED >>> flush_database_updates() In this case the system is also able to locate the original build by following the build path of the corresponding published binaries. >>> copied_source_release = copied_source.sourcepackagerelease >>> warty_i386 = warty['i386'] >>> copied_build_candidate = copied_source_release.getBuildByArch( ... warty_i386, cprov.archive) >>> print copied_build_candidate.title i386 build of foo 0.1 in ubuntu hoary RELEASE >>> print copied_build_candidate.archive.displayname Primary Archive for Ubuntu Linux Now we can also copy the hoary source and its binary from Celso's PPA to Mark Shuttleworth's PPA. >>> cprov_foo_src = cprov.archive.getPublishedSources( ... name='foo', distroseries=hoary).first() >>> cprov_foo_bin = cprov_foo_src.getPublishedBinaries()[0] >>> mark = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('mark') >>> mark_src = cprov_foo_src.copyTo( ... hoary, pocket_release, mark.archive) >>> [mark_bin] = cprov_foo_bin.copyTo( ... hoary, pocket_release, mark.archive) >>> mark_src.status = PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED >>> mark_bin.status = PackagePublishingStatus.PUBLISHED >>> flush_database_updates() The published binaries build path is followed again to find the original build that happened in the primary archive. >>> mark_spr = mark_src.sourcepackagerelease >>> mark_build = mark_spr.getBuildByArch( ... hoary_i386, mark.archive) >>> print mark_build.title i386 build of foo 0.1 in ubuntu hoary RELEASE >>> print mark_build.archive.displayname Primary Archive for Ubuntu Linux