TranslationImportQueueEntry =========================== The TranslationImportQueueEntry is an entry of the queue that will be imported into Rosetta. >>> from import removeSecurityProxy >>> from import IStore >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.distroseries import IDistroSeries >>> from lp.translations.interfaces.translationimportqueue import ( ... ITranslationImportQueue) >>> from lp.translations.model.translationimportqueue import ( ... TranslationImportQueueEntry) >>> translationimportqueue = getUtility(ITranslationImportQueue) >>> def clear_queue(queue): ... """Remove all entries off the import queue.""" ... store = IStore(TranslationImportQueueEntry) ... store.find(TranslationImportQueueEntry).remove() >>> def get_target_names(status=None): ... """Call getRequestTargets, return list of names/titles.""" ... result = [] ... queue = translationimportqueue.getRequestTargets(status) ... for object in queue: ... if IDistroSeries.providedBy(object): ... name = "%s/%s" % (, ... else: ... name = ... result.append("%s %s" % (name, object.displayname)) ... return result >>> def print_list(strings): ... """Print list of strings as list of lines.""" ... for string in strings: ... print string getGuessedPOFile ---------------- This property gives us the IPOFile where we think we should import this entry. To test it, we need to add an entry to the queue. Here we have some imports and utility fetch. >>> import transaction >>> from zope.component import getUtility >>> from import flush_database_updates >>> from import ILaunchpadCelebrities >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistributionSet >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.product import IProductSet >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.sourcepackagename import ( ... ISourcePackageNameSet) >>> from lp.translations.enums import RosettaImportStatus >>> from lp.registry.model.distroseries import DistroSeries >>> from lp.registry.model.productseries import ProductSeries >>> from lp.registry.model.sourcepackagename import SourcePackageName >>> from lp.testing import login >>> rosetta_experts = getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).rosetta_experts >>> distroset = getUtility(IDistributionSet) >>> packageset = getUtility(ISourcePackageNameSet) >>> productset = getUtility(IProductSet) Login as a user without privileges. >>> login('') First, we are going to try to do the guess against the Evolution product. That means that we are going to use the = 3 >>> evolution_productseries = ProductSeries.get(3) Attach the file to the product series, without associating it with any potemplate. >>> entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... u'po/sr.po', 'foo', True, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries) This entry has no information about the IPOFile where it should be attached to: >>> entry.import_into is None True And the guessing algorithm will not be able to guess anything as there is no IPOFiles on the same path and we have two IPOTemplates on the same path where this IPOFile is located ('po/') >>> entry.getGuessedPOFile() is None True Now let's try the same against the evolution sourcepackage that only has an IPOTemplate. >>> hoary_distroseries = DistroSeries.get(3) >>> evolution_sourcepackagename = SourcePackageName.get(9) >>> entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... u'po/sr.po', 'foo', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=evolution_sourcepackagename) >>> transaction.commit() This entry has no information about the IPOFile where it should be attached to: >>> entry.import_into is None True And the guessing algorithm is able to give us an IPOFile where it should be imported. >>> entry.getGuessedPOFile() is None False >>> entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Serbian (sr) ... of evolution-2.2 in Ubuntu Hoary package "evolution"' Let's try now to update the entries. We need to know the status that the entry has. >>> entry.status.title 'Needs Review' And store current creation and status change date: >>> previous_dateimported = entry.dateimported >>> previous_date_status_changed = entry.date_status_changed Now, we do a new upload. >>> entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... u'po/sr.po', 'foo', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=evolution_sourcepackagename) >>> transaction.commit() And the new status is >>> entry.status.title 'Needs Review' The dateimported remains the same as it was already waiting to be imported. >>> entry.dateimported == previous_dateimported True And the date_status_changed is newer >>> entry.date_status_changed > previous_date_status_changed True Let's change now its status to imported and see what happens. To do it, we need to be logged in as an admin and set an import target. >>> login('') >>> entry.pofile = factory.makePOFile('sr') >>> entry.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, rosetta_experts) The status change updates date_status_changed as well. >>> entry.date_status_changed > previous_date_status_changed True >>> transaction.commit() >>> previous_date_status_changed = entry.date_status_changed Do the new upload. It will be an upload by the maintainer. >>> by_maintainer = True >>> po_sr_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... u'po/sr.po', 'foo', by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=evolution_sourcepackagename) And the new status is >>> print po_sr_entry.status.title Needs Review The dateimported remains the same as it was already waiting to be imported. >>> po_sr_entry.dateimported > previous_dateimported True However the date_status_changed is still updated. >>> po_sr_entry.date_status_changed > previous_date_status_changed True First, we import a new .pot file. >>> pot_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'po/evolution-2.2.pot', 'foo', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=evolution_sourcepackagename) Change pofile.path value to a value that will help to prepare next test. Basically, we prevent that it's found by its path. >>> pofile = po_sr_entry.getGuessedPOFile() >>> pofile.path u'po/sr.po' >>> pofile.path = u'po/sr-old.po' Reset any pofile/potemplate information we have for the po_sr_entry. >>> po_sr_entry.potemplate = None >>> po_sr_entry.pofile = None >>> transaction.commit() Now, let's check that we cannot find the pot_entry as a POTemplate because the way our code works, we cannot guess it while we have a .pot file pending to be imported. >>> pot_entry.status.title 'Needs Review' >>> po_sr_entry.getGuessedPOFile() is None True But if that entry is imported, the guessing algorithm works. >>> pot_entry.potemplate = factory.makePOTemplate() >>> pot_entry.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, rosetta_experts) >>> guessed_pofile = po_sr_entry.getGuessedPOFile() >>> guessed_pofile is None False We can see that we got the same POFile as before: >>> guessed_pofile == pofile True And because it's an upload by the maintainer, the IPOFile in our database got its path changed to the one noted by this upload instead of having the one we set a couple of lines ago (u'po/sr-old.pot'): >>> po_sr_entry.by_maintainer True >>> pofile.path == po_sr_entry.path True >>> pofile.path u'po/sr.po' getGuessedPOFile with KDE ......................... Official KDE packages have a non standard layout where the .pot files are stored inside the sourcepackage with the binaries that will use it and the translations are stored in external packages following the same language pack ideas that we use with Ubuntu. This layout breaks completely Rosetta because we don't have a way to link the .po and .pot files coming from different packages. For this case, we use some extra information to get that link between different sourcepackages. The info we use is: - The sourcepackagename: All KDE language packs have the sourcepackagename following this pattern: kde-i18n-LANGCODE or kde-l10n-LANGCODE. We get from here the language where the .po files belong. - The .po filename: All .po files are stored using the translation domain as its filename. This information helps us to get the IPOTemplate where we should associate this .po file. To do this test, we are going to do all in a single transaction and will rollback it when it's finished. First, we are going to add three new sourcepackagenames for this test, kdebase, kde-i18n-es and kde-l10n-sr-latin. The first is from where the .pot file come and the others have .po files. >>> sourcepackagenameset = getUtility(ISourcePackageNameSet) >>> kdebase ='kdebase') >>> kde_i18n_es ='kde-i18n-es') >>> kde_l10n_sr_latin ='kde-i18n-sr-latin') Let's attach the .pot file >>> kde_pot_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'po/kdebugdialog.pot', 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=kdebase) Create the template name and attach this new import to it. >>> from lp.translations.interfaces.potemplate import IPOTemplateSet >>> potemplateset = getUtility(IPOTemplateSet) >>> subset = potemplateset.getSubset( ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=kdebase) >>> kde_pot_entry.potemplate = ... 'kdebugdialog', 'kdebugdialog', 'po/kdebugdialog.pot', ... rosetta_experts) >>> kde_pot_entry.potemplate.title u'Template "kdebugdialog" in Ubuntu Hoary package "kdebase"' And set this entry as already imported. >>> kde_pot_entry.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, rosetta_experts) >>> flush_database_updates() Let's attach a .po file from kde-i18n-es >>> es_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'messages/kdebase/kdebugdialog.po', 'foo content', True, ... rosetta_experts, distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=kde_i18n_es) And we will get the right IPOFile. >>> es_entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Spanish (es) ... of kdebugdialog in Ubuntu Hoary package "kdebase"' The kde-i18n-sr-latin is a bit special, the language is sr@latin and we should be able to know that. >>> sr_latin = factory.makeLanguage('sr@latin', 'Serbian Latin') >>> sr_latin_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'messages/kdebase/kdebugdialog.po', 'foo content', True, ... rosetta_experts, distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=kde_l10n_sr_latin) And we will get the right IPOFile. >>> sr_latin_entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Serbian Latin (sr@latin) ... of kdebugdialog ... package "kdebase"' Now, we are going to see what happens if we get a .po file for a template that is not yet imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'messages/kdebase/konqueror.po', 'foo content', True, ... rosetta_experts, distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=kde_i18n_es) We don't know the IPOFile where it should be imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry.getGuessedPOFile() is None True Sometimes, a translation domain is not following the restrictions we have for name fields, and thus, we need to be sure that we look for KDE .pot files using the translation domain instead the name. We will see it working here with this example: >>> kde_pot_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'po/kio_sftp.pot', 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=kdebase) Create the template name and attach this new import to it. >>> potemplateset = getUtility(IPOTemplateSet) >>> subset = potemplateset.getSubset( ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=kdebase) >>> kde_pot_entry.potemplate = ... 'kio-sftp', 'kio_sftp', 'po/kio_sftp.pot', rosetta_experts) >>> kde_pot_entry.potemplate.title u'Template "kio-sftp" in Ubuntu Hoary package "kdebase"' And set this entry as already imported. >>> kde_pot_entry.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, rosetta_experts) >>> flush_database_updates() Let's attach a .po file from kde-i18n-es >>> es_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'messages/kdebase/kio_sftp.po', 'foo content', True, ... rosetta_experts, distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=kde_i18n_es) And we will get the right IPOFile. >>> es_entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Spanish (es) translation of kio-sftp in Ubuntu Hoary package "kdebase"' Finally, we abort the transaction to undo all changes done. >>> transaction.abort() getGuessedPOFile with KOffice ............................. Like official KDE packages, KOffice stores the .pot and .po files in different packages, the only difference it has is that there is just one source package and the language information is stored as part of the path, but hidden with more text. The source package with translations is koffice-l10n, and the layout is: koffice-i18n-LANGCODE-VERSION/messages/koffice/TRANSLATIONDOMAIN.po To do this test, we are going to do all in a single transaction and will rollback it when it's finished. First, we are going to add two new sourcepackagenames for this test, koffice and koffice-l10n. The first is from where the .pot file come and the other for the .po files. >>> sourcepackagenameset = getUtility(ISourcePackageNameSet) >>> koffice ='koffice') >>> koffice_l10n ='koffice-l10n') Let's attach the .pot file >>> koffice_pot_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'po/koffice.pot', 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=koffice) Create the template name and attach this new import to it. >>> potemplateset = getUtility(IPOTemplateSet) >>> subset = potemplateset.getSubset( ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=koffice) >>> koffice_pot_entry.potemplate = ... 'koffice', 'koffice', 'po/koffice.pot', rosetta_experts) >>> koffice_pot_entry.potemplate.title u'Template "koffice" in Ubuntu Hoary package "koffice"' And set this entry as already imported. >>> koffice_pot_entry.setStatus( ... RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, ... rosetta_experts) >>> flush_database_updates() Let's attach a .po file from koffice-l10n >>> es_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'koffice-i18n-es-1.5.2/messages/koffice/koffice.po', ... 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=koffice_l10n) And we will get the right IPOFile. >>> es_entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Spanish (es) translation of koffice in Ubuntu Hoary package "koffice"' Let's try now a language with variant information like sr@latin. >>> sr_latin = factory.makeLanguage('sr@latin', 'Serbian Latin') >>> sr_latin_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'koffice-i18n-sr@latin-1.5.2/messages/koffice/koffice.po', ... 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=koffice_l10n) And we will get the right IPOFile. >>> sr_latin_entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Serbian Latin (sr@latin) ... koffice in Ubuntu Hoary package "koffice"' Now, we are going to see what happens if we get a .po file for a template that is not yet imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'koffice-i18n-es-1.5.2/messages/koffice/kchart.po', ... 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=koffice_l10n) We don't know the IPOFile where it should be imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry.getGuessedPOFile() is None True Finally, we abort the transaction to undo all changes done. >>> transaction.abort() getGuessedPOFile with .po files in different directories ........................................................ Some packages have translations and templates inside the same package, but they don't have them inside the same directory. The layout is: DIRECTORY/TRANSLATION_DOMAIN.pot DIRECTORY/LANG_CODE/TRANSLATION_DOMAIN.po sometimes the layout changes a bit, for instance in ktorrent, and looks like: DIRECTORY/TRANSLATION_DOMAIN.pot DIRECTORY/LANG_CODE/messages/TRANSLATION_DOMAIN.po Or in the zope packages: DIRECTORY/TRANSLATION_DOMAIN.pot DIRECTORY/LANG_CODE/LC_MESSAGES/TRANSLATION_DOMAIN.po We have also packages like k3b that has its translations in its own k3b-i18n package, but with a layout quite similar to the ones here: LANG_CODE/messages/TRANSLATION_DOMAIN.po Also, there is the layout used with GNOME documentation: DIRECTORY/help/TRANSLATION_DOMAIN.pot DIRECTORY/help/LANG_CODE/LANG_CODE.po Let's test every know layout. For the first one, we create an adept sourcepackagename to test that layout. >>> adept ='adept') Let's attach the .pot file >>> adept_pot_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'po/adept.pot', 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=adept) Create the template name and attach this new import to it. >>> subset = potemplateset.getSubset( ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=adept) >>> adept_pot_entry.potemplate = ... 'adept', 'adept', 'po/adept.pot', rosetta_experts) >>> adept_pot_entry.potemplate.title u'Template "adept" in Ubuntu Hoary package "adept"' And set this entry as already imported. >>> adept_pot_entry.setStatus( ... RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, ... rosetta_experts) >>> flush_database_updates() Let's attach a .po file now. >>> es_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'po/es/adept.po', 'foo content', True, ... rosetta_experts, distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=adept) And we will get the right IPOFile. >>> es_entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Spanish (es) translation of adept in Ubuntu Hoary package "adept"' Now, we are going to see what happens if we get a .po file for a template that is not yet imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'po/es/adept-foo.po', 'foo content', True, ... rosetta_experts, distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=adept) We don't know the IPOFile where it should be imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry.getGuessedPOFile() is None True Let's move to the second case, to test it, we create a ktorrent sourcepackagename and test that layout. >>> ktorrent ='ktorrent') Let's attach the .pot file >>> ktorrent_pot_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'po/ktorrent.pot', 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=ktorrent) Create the template name and attach this new import to it. >>> subset = potemplateset.getSubset( ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=ktorrent) >>> ktorrent_pot_entry.potemplate = ... 'ktorrent', 'ktorrent', 'po/ktorrent.pot', rosetta_experts) >>> ktorrent_pot_entry.potemplate.title u'Template "ktorrent" in Ubuntu Hoary package "ktorrent"' And set this entry as already imported. >>> ktorrent_pot_entry.setStatus( ... RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, ... rosetta_experts) >>> flush_database_updates() Let's attach a .po file now. >>> es_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'translations/es/messages/ktorrent.po', 'foo content', True, ... rosetta_experts, distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=ktorrent) And we will get the right IPOFile. >>> es_entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Spanish (es) translation of ktorrent in Ubuntu Hoary package "ktorrent"' Now, we are going to see what happens if we get a .po file for a template that is not yet imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'translations/es/messages/ktorrent-foo.po', 'foo content', True, ... rosetta_experts, distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=ktorrent) We don't know the IPOFile where it should be imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry.getGuessedPOFile() is None True Now, let's move to the third case, to test it, we create a zope sourcepackagename and test that layout. >>> zope ='zope') Let's attach the .pot file >>> zope_pot_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'debian/zope3/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/' ... 'locales/zope.pot', ... 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=zope) Create the template name and attach this new import to it. >>> subset = potemplateset.getSubset( ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=zope) >>> zope_pot_entry.potemplate = ... 'zope', 'zope', ... 'debian/zope3/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/' ... 'locales/zope.pot', ... rosetta_experts) >>> zope_pot_entry.potemplate.title u'Template "zope" in Ubuntu Hoary package "zope"' And set this entry as already imported. >>> zope_pot_entry.setStatus( ... RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, rosetta_experts) >>> flush_database_updates() Let's attach a .po file now. >>> es_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'debian/zope3/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/locales' ... '/es/LC_MESSAGES/zope.po', ... 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=zope) And we will get the right IPOFile. >>> es_entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Spanish (es) translation of zope in Ubuntu Hoary package "zope"' Now, we are going to see what happens if we get a .po file for a template that is not yet imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'debian/zope3/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/' ... 'locales/es/LC_MESSAGES/zope-test.po', ... 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=zope) We don't know the IPOFile where it should be imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry.getGuessedPOFile() is None True Now, let's move to the fourth case, to test it, we create a k3b sourcepackagename from where the .pot file comes and a k3b-i18n one from where the translations come. >>> k3b ='k3b') >>> k3b_i18n ='k3b-i18n') Let's attach the .pot file >>> k3b_pot_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'po/k3b.pot', 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=k3b) Create the template name and attach this new import to it. >>> subset = potemplateset.getSubset( ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=k3b) >>> k3b_pot_entry.potemplate = ... 'k3b', 'k3b', 'po/k3b.pot', rosetta_experts) >>> k3b_pot_entry.potemplate.title u'Template "k3b" in Ubuntu Hoary package "k3b"' And set this entry as already imported. >>> k3b_pot_entry.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, rosetta_experts) >>> flush_database_updates() Let's attach a .po file now. >>> es_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'es/messages/k3b.po', 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=k3b_i18n) And we will get the right IPOFile. >>> es_entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Spanish (es) translation of k3b in Ubuntu Hoary package "k3b"' Now, we are going to see what happens if we get a .po file for a template that is not yet imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'es/messages/libk3b.po', 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=k3b_i18n) We don't know the IPOFile where it should be imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry.getGuessedPOFile() is None True Finally, let's move to the last case, to test it, we create a gnome-terminal sourcepackagename that will host the .pot and .po files. >>> gnome_terminal ='gnome-terminal') Let's attach the .pot file >>> terminal_pot_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'drivemount/help/drivemount.pot', 'foo content', True, ... rosetta_experts, distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=gnome_terminal) Create the template name and attach this new import to it. >>> subset = potemplateset.getSubset( ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=gnome_terminal) >>> terminal_pot_entry.potemplate = ... 'help', 'help', 'drivemount/help/drivemount.pot', rosetta_experts) >>> terminal_pot_entry.potemplate.title u'Template "help" in Ubuntu Hoary package "gnome-terminal"' And set this entry as already imported. >>> k3b_pot_entry.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, rosetta_experts) >>> flush_database_updates() Let's attach a .po file now. >>> es_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'drivemount/help/es/es.po', 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=gnome_terminal) And we will get the right IPOFile. >>> es_entry.getGuessedPOFile().title u'Spanish (es) ... of help in Ubuntu Hoary package "gnome-terminal"' Now, we are going to see what happens if we get a .po file for a template that is not yet imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'wanda/help/es/es.po', 'foo content', True, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, sourcepackagename=gnome_terminal) We don't know the IPOFile where it should be imported. >>> es_without_potemplate_entry.getGuessedPOFile() is None True Finally, we abort the transaction to undo all changes done. >>> transaction.abort() executeOptimisticBlock ---------------------- This method looks on the queue to find entries to block based on other .pot entries that are stored on the same directory and are already blocked. Check the number of entries on the queue. We have the two sample data entries plus the ones added in this test. >>> translationimportqueue.countEntries() 5 First, let's check the status of the existing entries. >>> entry1 = translationimportqueue.get(1) >>> entry1.path u'po/evolution-2.2-test.pot' >>> entry1.status == RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED True >>> entry2 = translationimportqueue.get(2) >>> entry2.path u'po/pt_BR.po' >>> entry2.status == RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED True >>> entry3 = translationimportqueue.get(3) >>> entry3.path u'po/sr.po' >>> entry3.status == RosettaImportStatus.NEEDS_REVIEW True >>> entry4 = translationimportqueue.get(4) >>> entry4.path u'po/sr.po' >>> entry4.status == RosettaImportStatus.NEEDS_REVIEW True >>> entry5 = translationimportqueue.get(5) >>> entry5.path u'po/evolution-2.2.pot' We need it blocked for this test. >>> entry5.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.BLOCKED, rosetta_experts) >>> transaction.commit() Let's see how many entries are blocked. >>> translationimportqueue.executeOptimisticBlock() 1 Now is time to check that we only have one item on the NeedsReview status. >>> entry3 = translationimportqueue.get(3) >>> entry3.path u'po/sr.po' This entry is for a productseries, and it's not blocked because the blocked .pot entry is for a distroseries-sourcepackagename. >>> entry3.status == RosettaImportStatus.NEEDS_REVIEW True On the other hand, this other one is for the same distroseries/sourcepackagename than the .pot file we have so it's also blocked. >>> entry4 = translationimportqueue.get(4) >>> entry4.path u'po/sr.po' >>> entry4.status == RosettaImportStatus.BLOCKED True And the .pot entry is still blocked. >>> entry5 = translationimportqueue.get(5) >>> entry5.path u'po/evolution-2.2.pot' >>> entry5.status == RosettaImportStatus.BLOCKED True getElapsedTimeText ----------------- This method returns a string representing the elapsed time since the entry was added to the queue. We need to attach a new entry to play with: >>> productseries = ProductSeries.get(1) >>> entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... 'foo/bar.po', 'foo content', True, ... rosetta_experts, productseries=productseries) When we just import it, this method tells us that it's "just requested" >>> entry.getElapsedTimeText() 'just requested' Now, we need to update the 'dateimported' field to check that we get a good value when takes more time since the import. We need to force the date here because doing it with sample data would be a time bomb. To edit this field, we need to have Edit permissions. >>> login('') Let's change the field with a date 2 days, 13 hours and 5 minutes ago. >>> import pytz >>> import datetime >>> UTC = pytz.timezone('UTC') >>> delta = datetime.timedelta(days=2, hours=13, minutes=5) >>> entry = removeSecurityProxy(entry) >>> entry.dateimported = - delta And this method gets the right text. >>> entry.getElapsedTimeText() '2 days 13 hours 5 minutes ago' TranslationImportQueue ====================== The translation import queue is the place where the new translation imports end before being imported into Rosetta. getTemplatesOnSameDirectory --------------------------- This method allows us to get the set of .pot files we have on the same directory that a given entry. For the third entry, we have one .pot file on that directory, which is already in sample data. >>> entry3.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.NEEDS_REVIEW, rosetta_experts) >>> entries = entry3.getTemplatesOnSameDirectory() >>> entries.count() 1 >>> entries[0].status == RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED True >>> entries[0].id 1 For the fourth entry, we have one. >>> entry4.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.NEEDS_REVIEW, rosetta_experts) >>> entries = entry4.getTemplatesOnSameDirectory() >>> entries.count() 1 Which is blocked. >>> entries[0].status == RosettaImportStatus.BLOCKED True And finally, the .pot entry doesn't have other .pot in the same directory and obviously, we are not returning it as being at the same directory as it makes no sense at all. >>> entry5.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.NEEDS_REVIEW, rosetta_experts) >>> entries = entry5.getTemplatesOnSameDirectory() >>> entries.count() 0 addOrUpdateEntry() ------------------ addOrUpdateEntry adds a new entry to the import queue so we can handle it later with poimport script. >>> from import LaunchpadWriteTarFile >>> potemplate_set = getUtility(IPOTemplateSet) >>> potemplate_subset = potemplate_set.getSubset( ... productseries=evolution_productseries) >>> evolution_22_test_template = potemplate_subset.getPOTemplateByName( ... 'evolution-2.2-test') >>> evolution_22_template = potemplate_subset.getPOTemplateByName( ... 'evolution-2.2') We get a sample tarball to be uploaded into the system. >>> test_tar_content = { ... 'foo.pot': 'Foo template', ... 'es.po': 'Spanish translation', ... 'fr.po': 'French translation', ... } >>> tarfile_content = LaunchpadWriteTarFile.files_to_string( ... test_tar_content) >>> by_maintainer = True We will need this helper function to print the queue content. >>> def print_queue_entries(translationimportqueue): ... for entry in translationimportqueue: ... if entry.productseries is not None: ... context = ... else: ... context = '%s %s' % ( ..., ... template = 'None' ... if entry.potemplate is not None: ... template = ... print '%s | %s | %s' % (context, template, entry.path) Current entries in the queue are: >>> queue = getUtility(ITranslationImportQueue) >>> print_queue_entries(queue) evolution | evolution-2.2-test | po/evolution-2.2-test.pot evolution | evolution-2.2-test | po/pt_BR.po firefox | None | foo/bar.po evolution | None | po/sr.po hoary evolution | None | po/sr.po hoary evolution | None | po/evolution-2.2.pot Attach the sample tarball to the 'evolution-2.2-test' template in evolution product. We can ask to only upload the template from the tarball and ignore the other files. >>> translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntriesFromTarball( ... tarfile_content, by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries, ... potemplate=evolution_22_test_template, ... only_templates=True) (1, []) And this new entry in the queue appears in the list. >>> print_queue_entries(queue) evolution | evolution-2.2-test | po/evolution-2.2-test.pot evolution | evolution-2.2-test | po/pt_BR.po firefox | None | foo/bar.po evolution | None | po/sr.po hoary evolution | None | po/sr.po hoary evolution | None | po/evolution-2.2.pot evolution | evolution-2.2-test | foo.pot But we really want all files from the tarball, so we upload them all. There will be three new entries from the tarball. >>> translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntriesFromTarball( ... tarfile_content, by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries, ... potemplate=evolution_22_test_template) (3, []) And those new entries in the queue appear in the list. >>> print_queue_entries(queue) evolution | evolution-2.2-test | po/evolution-2.2-test.pot evolution | evolution-2.2-test | po/pt_BR.po firefox | None | foo/bar.po evolution | None | po/sr.po hoary evolution | None | po/sr.po hoary evolution | None | po/evolution-2.2.pot evolution | evolution-2.2-test | foo.pot evolution | evolution-2.2-test | es.po evolution | evolution-2.2-test | fr.po It is possible to update the content of an entry in the queue. >>> def getFirstEvoEntryByPath(queue,path): ... for entry in queue.getAllEntries(evolution_productseries): ... if entry.path == path: ... return entry ... return None >>> transaction.commit() >>> existing_entry = getFirstEvoEntryByPath(queue, 'foo.pot') >>> existing_entry = removeSecurityProxy(existing_entry) >>> print Foo template >>> entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... "foo.pot", "New content", by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries, ... potemplate=evolution_22_test_template) >>> entry = removeSecurityProxy(entry) >>> transaction.commit() >>> entry is existing_entry True >>> print New content Not specifying the potemplate in this situation still selects the same entry on a best match basis. The entry is updated. >>> entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... "foo.pot", "Even newer content", by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries) >>> entry = removeSecurityProxy(entry) >>> transaction.commit() >>> entry is existing_entry True >>> print Even newer content Same goes for pofile entries. >>> existing_entry = getFirstEvoEntryByPath(queue, 'es.po') >>> existing_entry = removeSecurityProxy(existing_entry) >>> print Spanish translation >>> entry = removeSecurityProxy(translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... "es.po", "New po content", by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries)) >>> transaction.commit() >>> entry is existing_entry True >>> print New po content Now, attaching the same layout to a different template for the same product, we get again three more entries. >>> translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntriesFromTarball( ... tarfile_content, by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries, ... potemplate=evolution_22_template) (3, []) And the import queue gets three new entries too. This part of the test is important to prevent problems like bug #133611, in which case were not getting the extra three entries. >>> print_queue_entries(queue) evolution ... hoary ... ... evolution | evolution-2.2-test | foo.pot evolution | evolution-2.2-test | es.po evolution | evolution-2.2-test | fr.po evolution | evolution-2.2 | es.po evolution | evolution-2.2 | foo.pot evolution | evolution-2.2 | fr.po Not specifying the potemplate now is ambiguous and so no entry is added or updated. >>> print queue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... "foo.pot", "Latest content", by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries) None Ambiguity is also resolved when a file is uploaded to the product first and then to a specific template. >>> existing_entry = queue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... "bar.pot", "Bar content", by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries) >>> existing_entry = removeSecurityProxy(existing_entry) >>> entry = queue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... "bar.pot", "Bar content", by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries, ... potemplate=evolution_22_template) These files are put into different entries. >>> print_queue_entries(queue) evolution ... hoary ... ... evolution | evolution-2.2 | fr.po evolution | None | bar.pot evolution | evolution-2.2 | bar.pot When uploading to the prouct now, the best matching entry is updated. >>> entry = queue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... "bar.pot", "New bar content", by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries) >>> entry = removeSecurityProxy(entry) >>> transaction.commit() >>> entry is existing_entry True >>> print New bar content Filename filters ================ A tarball doesn't always have everything in quite the right place. If you need to manipulate the file paths within a tarball before the files go into the import queue, there's no need to mess with the tarball. Instead, a filter callback to addOrUpdateEntryFromTarball lets you play with the filenames, defining how the import code will pretend they are named. It can also tell addOrUpdateEntryFromTarball to ignore a file by not returning a name for it. >>> import os.path >>> netapplet = productset['netapplet'] >>> netapplet_trunk = netapplet.getSeries('trunk') In this example, we create a filename filter that ignores templates, and places all other files in a directory "new-directory." >>> def swizzle_filename(path): ... if path.endswith('.pot'): ... return None ... return os.path.join('new-directory', path) The template file is ignored, as per the instructions of the path filter, so there seem to be only 2 files in the tarball. >>> translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntriesFromTarball( ... tarfile_content, by_maintainer, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=netapplet_trunk, ... filename_filter=swizzle_filename) (2, []) To all intents and purposes, it's as if the files' paths inside the tarball were exactly as the filename filter returned them. >>> print_queue_entries(queue) evolution ... hoary evolution | ... ... evolution | evolution-2.2 | bar.pot netapplet | None | new-directory/es.po netapplet | None | new-directory/fr.po Invalid data ============ If administrators fail to correct certain errors in requests while approving them, and the admin user interface mistakenly accepts the approval, we may end up with an approved but incomplete entry that has no place to go (see bug 138650 for an example). If such bad requests do end up on the import queue, the import queue code will raise errors about them. >>> def print_import_failures(import_script): ... """List failures recorded in an import script instance.""" ... for reason, entries in script.failures.iteritems(): ... print reason ... for entry in entries: ... print "-> " + entry >>> clear_queue(translationimportqueue) >>> entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... u'po/sr.po', 'foo', True, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries) >>> entry.import_into is None True Set the entry to approved, which is only possible if we don't use setStatus. >>> removeSecurityProxy(entry).status = RosettaImportStatus.APPROVED >>> import logging >>> from import FakeLogger >>> from lp.translations.scripts.po_import import TranslationsImport >>> script = TranslationsImport('poimport', test_args=[]) >>> script.logger = FakeLogger() >>> script.main() DEBUG Starting... ERROR Entry is approved but has no place to import to. ... DEBUG Finished the import process. >>> print_import_failures(script) Entry is approved but has no place to import to. -> 'po/sr.po' (id ...) in Evolution trunk series The entry is marked as Failed. >>> print FAILED This happens for distribution packages as well as products. >>> clear_queue(translationimportqueue) >>> entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... u'po/th.po', 'bar', False, rosetta_experts, ... distroseries=hoary_distroseries, ... sourcepackagename=evolution_sourcepackagename) >>> entry.import_into is None True Set the entry to approved, which is only possible if we don't use setStatus. >>> removeSecurityProxy(entry).status = RosettaImportStatus.APPROVED >>> script = TranslationsImport('poimport', test_args=[]) >>> script.logger.setLevel(logging.FATAL) >>> script.main() >>> print_import_failures(script) Entry is approved but has no place to import to. -> 'po/th.po' (id ...) in ubuntu Hoary package evolution >>> print FAILED >>> clear_queue(translationimportqueue) cleanUpQueue ------------ The queue is cleaned up regularly. Here we start out with an empty queue. >>> for entry in translationimportqueue: ... translationimportqueue.remove(entry) >>> print_queue_entries(translationimportqueue) cleanUpQueue() returns the number of entries it purges. If there is nothing to purge, it returns zero. >>> translationimportqueue.cleanUpQueue() 0 State and Age ............. Entries can be cleaned up because they have been in a specific state for at least a specified period of time. For instance, successfully imported entries are cleaned up after a few days. >>> entry = translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry( ... u'po/nl.po', 'hoi', True, rosetta_experts, ... productseries=evolution_productseries) >>> entry.pofile = factory.makePOFile('nl') >>> entry.setStatus(RosettaImportStatus.IMPORTED, rosetta_experts) >>> print_queue_entries(translationimportqueue) evolution | None | po/nl.po Such requests are deleted after a few days. >>> delta = datetime.timedelta(days=4) >>> entry.date_status_changed = - delta >>> flush_database_updates() >>> translationimportqueue.cleanUpQueue() 1 >>> print_queue_entries(translationimportqueue) Deactivated Products .................... Another reason for deleting entries is that they belong to products that have been deactivated. A user sets up Jokosher for translation, and uploads a template. >>> from import ServiceUsage >>> def create_product_request(product_name, template_name): ... """Enqueue an import request for given product and template.""" ... product = productset[product_name] ... series = product.primary_translatable ... assert series is not None, ( ... "Product %s has no translatable series." % product_name) ... template = series.getPOTemplate(template_name) ... # In another completely arbitrary move, we make all import ... # requests for products non-imported. ... return translationimportqueue.addOrUpdateEntry('messages.pot', ... 'dummy file', False, rosetta_experts, productseries=series, ... potemplate=template) >>> jokosher = productset['jokosher'] >>> jokosher_trunk = jokosher.getSeries('trunk') >>> jokosher.translations_usage = ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD >>> jokosher_subset = potemplateset.getSubset( ... productseries=jokosher_trunk) >>> template = ... 'jokosher', 'jokosher', 'jokosher.pot', rosetta_experts) >>> entry = create_product_request('jokosher', 'jokosher') >>> print_queue_entries(translationimportqueue) jokosher | jokosher | messages.pot The entry sits on the queue; there is no reason for anyone to purge it. >>> translationimportqueue.cleanUpQueue() 0 >>> print_queue_entries(translationimportqueue) jokosher | jokosher | messages.pot An administrator finds that this registration of the Jokosher project does not satisfy Launchpad policy, and disables it. >>> = False The request is now eligible for purging. Since the Jokosher product is no longer usable, there is no point in keeping the entry on the queue. >>> translationimportqueue.cleanUpQueue() 1 >>> print_queue_entries(translationimportqueue)