= IBugLinkTarget Views = The +linkbug and +unlinkbug views operates on IBugLinkTarget. >>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter >>> from lp.services.webapp.servers import LaunchpadTestRequest >>> from lazr.lifecycle.event import ObjectModifiedEvent >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bug import IBugSet >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.buglink import IBugLinkTarget >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.cve import ICveSet >>> bugset = getUtility(IBugSet) >>> cve = getUtility(ICveSet)['2005-2730'] (Setup an event listener.) >>> from lp.testing.event import TestEventListener >>> collected_events = [] >>> modified_listener = TestEventListener( ... IBugLinkTarget, ObjectModifiedEvent, ... lambda object, event: collected_events.append(event)) (Login because bug link management is only available to registered users.) >>> login('no-priv@canonical.com') == Link Bug View == The +linkbug view is used to link bugs to IBugLinkTarget. >>> view = create_view(cve, name='+linkbug') >>> print view.label Link a bug report >>> print view.cancel_url http://bugs.launchpad.dev/bugs/cve/2005-2730 It has a simple widget to enter the bug number or nickname of the bug to link to. After it links the bug, it sends a ObjectModifiedEvent. >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... method="POST", ... form={'field.actions.link':'Link', 'field.bug' : '1'}) >>> linkView = getMultiAdapter((cve, request), name='+linkbug') >>> linkView.initialize() One notification should have been added to the response. >>> len(request.response.notifications) 1 Bug #1 was added to the object: >>> print [bug.id for bug in cve.bugs] [1] A ObjectModifiedEvent was sent: >>> len(collected_events) 1 >>> event = collected_events[0] >>> event <...ObjectModifiedEvent...> >>> event.object == cve True >>> event.edited_fields ['bugs'] >>> event.object_before_modification.bugs [] (Cleanup) >>> collected_events = [] == Unlink Bugs View == (Link some other bugs first.) >>> link = cve.linkBug(bugset.get(2)) >>> link = cve.linkBug(bugset.get(3)) The +unlinkbug view is used to unlink a selection of bugs from an IBugLinkTarget. >>> view = create_view(cve, name='+unlinkbug') >>> print view.label Remove links to bug reports >>> print view.cancel_url http://bugs.launchpad.dev/bugs/cve/2005-2730 After removing the bugs, it sends a SQLObjectModified event. >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... method="POST", ... form={'field.actions.remove':'Remove', 'field.bugs' : ['1', '2']}) >>> unlinkView = getMultiAdapter((cve, request), name='+unlinkbug') >>> unlinkView.initialize() One notification by removed bugs should have been added to the response. >>> len(request.response.notifications) 2 The two bugs were removed and only bug #3 should still be present: >>> print [bug.id for bug in cve.bugs] [3] A ObjectModifiedEvent was sent: >>> len(collected_events) 1 >>> event = collected_events[0] >>> event <...ObjectModifiedEvent...> >>> event.object == cve True >>> event.edited_fields ['bugs'] >>> print [bug.id for bug in event.object_before_modification.bugs] [1, 2, 3] == Bug titles are escaped in notifications == Bug titles may legitimately contain HTML markup, such as reporting that there is "Too much space between


". Notifications, like the the bug link notification, may also contain HTML markup. To prevent a XSS vulnerability, the bug title is escaped before it is interpolated with the notification message. (see bug 183277). We will give bug #2 a very bad title, then link the cve to the bug. >>> bug = bugset.get(2) >>> bug.title = '' >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... method="POST", ... form={'field.actions.link':'Link', 'field.bug' : '2'}) >>> linkView = getMultiAdapter((cve, request), name='+linkbug') >>> linkView.initialize() The notification contains the escaped bug title. >>> for notification in request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message.encode('utf8') Added link to bug #2: ...<script>window.alert("Hello!")</script>.... == Cleanup == (Deactivate the event listener.) >>> modified_listener.unregister()