
  • Committer: Launchpad Patch Queue Manager
  • Date: 2008-02-12 18:15:23 UTC
  • mfrom: (5594.2.6 bug-181297)
  • Revision ID: launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20080212181523-9vlrmqzy2uvzmqwb
[r=statik] Fixing bug 181297 (Allowing public access to the
        distroseries upload queue UI).
Filename Latest Rev Last Changed Committer Comment Size
bzrsyncd 4338.5.1 17 years ago Tom Haddon Adding crontabs for each user per email to LP list Diff
ftpmaster 4338.5.1 17 years ago Tom Haddon Adding crontabs for each user per email to LP list Diff
librarian 4338.5.1 17 years ago Tom Haddon Adding crontabs for each user per email to LP list Diff
lpnet1 4338.5.1 17 years ago Tom Haddon Adding crontabs for each user per email to LP list Diff
lpnet3 4338.5.1 17 years ago Tom Haddon Adding crontabs for each user per email to LP list Diff
lpnet5 4338.5.1 17 years ago Tom Haddon Adding crontabs for each user per email to LP list Diff
supermirror 4338.5.1 17 years ago Tom Haddon Adding crontabs for each user per email to LP list Diff