LOGGERHEAD ========== [ Version 1.2 for Bazaar 1.2 ] Loggerhead is a web viewer for Bazaar branches. It can be used to navigate a branch history, annotate files, perform searches... all the usual things. To get started, first you need to create a 'loggerhead.conf' file specifying the branches you want to view. A 'loggerhead.conf.example' file is included in the source which has comments explaining the various options. Loggerhead can then be started by running:: $ ./start-loggerhead.py This will run loggerhead in the background. It listens on port 8080 by default, so go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to see the list of bublished branches. To stop Loggerhead, run:: $ ./stop-loggerhead.py If you want to view Bazaar branches from your existing Apache installation, you'll need to configure Apache to proxy certain requests to Loggerhead. Adding lines like this to you Apache configuration is one way to do this:: ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse In the configuration file you can configure projects, and branches per project. The idea is that you could be publishing several (possibly unrelated) projects through the same loggerhead instance, and several branches for the same project. See the "loggerhead.conf.example" file included with the source. Although Loggerhead is a TurboGears (http://www.turbogears.org) project, don't bother with "dev.cfg" or any of the other TurboGears config files. Loggerhead overrides those values with its own. A debug and access log are stored in the logs/ folder, relative to the location of the start-loggerhead.py script. You may update the Bazaar branch at any time (for example, from a cron). Loggerhead will notice and refresh, and Bazaar uses its own branch locking to prevent corruption. CACHES ------ To speed up operations with large branches, loggerhead can be configured to create a files changed cache per branch on request: - a cache of files changed in a revision You can put the cache folder anywhere. SUPPORT ------- Loggerhead is loosely based on bazaar-webserve, which was loosely based on hgweb. Discussion should take place on the bazaar-dev mailing list at bazaar@lists.canonical.com. You can join the list at . You don't need to subscribe to post, but your first post will be held briefly for manual moderation.