INSERT INTO worksheet (worksheetid, offeringid, identifier, name, data, assessable, seq_no, format) VALUES (1, 2, 'worksheet1', 'Worksheet Basics', 'IVLE allows lecturers and tutors to create worksheets, which are presented to students, optionally, for assessment.
Worksheets are reStructuredText (rich text) documents which can present students with information or tutorials, much like a textbook. For example, we might explain that "recursion is when a function calls itself".
Worksheets are reStructuredText (rich text) documents which can present students with information or tutorials, much like a textbook. For example, we might explain that "the ``print`` statement in Python lets you print text to the screen".
We can use any reStructuredText markup, such as **bold** and `links <http://ivle.org>`_. We can also embed exercises. For example, we might invite students to "try out recursion in the following exercise".
We can use any reStructuredText markup, such as **bold** and `links <http://ivle.org>`_. We can also embed exercises. For example, we might invite students to "try out the ``print`` statement in the following exercise".
Beginning a line with ``.. exercise:: <exercise-name>`` embeds an exercise in a worksheet, like this: